Average Playtime: 4 hours


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CONTRAST is a puzzle/platform game where you can move between a fantastic 3D world and a mysterious shadowy universe in 2D in the blink of an eye. Delve into a dreamlike and surreal 1920s world, inspired by the performance art world of vaudeville and film noir, and cradled by a smooth and sultry jazz ambiance.
In this universe, where the boundaries between showmanship, magic, intrigue and deception are blurred, you play Dawn, the imaginary friend of a young girl named Didi. You have the power to slip from the 3D dreamscape into the parallel 2D shadow world bound to it. Cast light on a shadowy story by manipulating light sources in the 3D world to distort, enlarge or stretch the 2D shadow world. Manipulating and shifting between light and shadow will be the key elements that you will need to use to solve our world of shadow-based puzzles and help progress Didi's story!
Key Features
Shift between the physical 3D world and the 2D shadow world, at any lit wall surface
Create unique shadow landscapes by manipulating light sources and real world objects, and use this ability to solve mind-bending puzzles
Experience a new story and world, exploring adult themes through a child’s eyes
Immerse yourself in a lush vaudevillian world of cabaret singers, circus performers, and magic

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 128MB
  • Storage: 100 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Don't worry, you can run it

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for Android

4.4 and up

System requirements for PlayStation 4

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Last Modified: Mar 2, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox Store
Google Play

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Contrast reviews and comments

I would not recommended this game to anyone as this game is buggy and unfinished. I played this game on my PS3 and got stuck several times in Act II due to a bug. Its puzzle system is broken and filled with bugs. The graphics are horrible and the game is very short. The story has some interesting story elements, but its clunky controls and broken puzzle system just doesnt make it a fun experience. 
«Buggy as hell»
«Disappointment of the year»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
In Contrast, you play the imaginary Girlfriend Dawn of the Girl Didi, who has the Gift of running as a Shadow on Walls. These play like a Platformer, but can be influenced by Interactions in the 3-Dimensional Game world. For example, by moving Lights, you can change the Shadow Cast and thus climb new Areas. The Game principle is quite simple, but fun, even if the Puzzles are not very heavy and you walk through the Game quite briskly. The Story is told by Means of shadows on Walls and is a sweet little Story about the French Girl Didi And her Parents. Nothing world-moving, but still quite nice. The whole thing is accompanied by quiet Jazz Music, which I would like to listen to more often in Video Games. Unfortunately, the Game, including achievements, is played through very quickly (about 4 Hours) and offers no Reason to play it a second time. Also, the Level of difficulty is very low and for €15 it is too expensive in my Opinion. Still, it's a nice Completed game to be happy to spend an Evening on.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Probably the most interesting Aspect of this Game Is the extremely innovative Game Mechanics, because you can switch between real 3D world and 2D shadow world at any time. For example, with the Help of Shadow Paths, places can be reached that would be out of reach in the normal Game world. Contrast tells a touching Story about a little Girl who has to solve a Number of Problems with the Help of her imaginary Friend. Positives: The Game generates an atmospheric Gaming Experience in a surreal World of the early 19th Century with classic Jump & Run Action. Many Climbing Passages have to be repeated more often, but I never really had the Feeling that a Place here is too difficult or a Puzzle seems insoluble. You just get out quickly as you go, but since the Shadows often move, the right Timing is the Key to Success. The Surroundings and the Tasks/Puzzles are quite varied. In the Game itself, all The characters appear as Shadows and the Action itself is represented only by Shadows. That made me feel quite getting used to at first, as the Story is only told in black and white optics, but it fits really well with the Gameplay. The Colours of the Normal World are magnificent and change into a gloomy look when You jump into the Shadow World. The Sound is good and the Voices (currently only English Audio possible) are well matched. Negatives: The Control Buttons are specified and cannot be adjusted. Playing With Keyboard and Mouse was therefore quite difficult for me. But the Gamepad went quite well, although I prefer Playing with Mouse and Keyboard. The Storyline is quite short, who runs through comes to the End in 3-4 Hours. The Environment appears very rigid, except for the required Objects no further Interaction is possible. The Game Worlds are very small and It is not possible to get Away. Conclusion: Although the Game is aimed at a slightly younger Target Group, it tells a very grown-up Story. This is not new and innovative, but the Gameplay with the Shadow World. This is freshly and wisely implemented, but also expandable even further. My Overall Impression is pretty good Though, so I recommend it further. You can't go wrong for a few Euros.
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