Darkling (jordantanner)

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PLEASE NOTE:  Download the PC version for best experience!

If playing the Web version, your score will persist on the online leaderboard after you die, but you won't be able to play as that User again once you quit.  So I recommend the downloadable PC version!  :)


Is this reality?

You "wake" to find yourself in an eerie landscape.  Strange voices fill the air, and the ghastly  trees that surround you seem to be made of bones, or of something else not of this world.

Suddenly, your right arm is filled with a fiery pain.  Looking down in horror, you realize that your arm is gone, instead replaced by some terrible demonic entity.  You can feel its evil power surging through you, burning like hellfire.  

Peering off into the distance, you can vaguely make out hordes of ghastly shapes rapidly approaching, while the infernal pain in your arm feels like it's about to explode... 



 How to Play

- Survive waves of enemies that grow more challenging each time

 - You may choose to upgrade between waves at the cost of your MAX LIFE

 - Collect GREEN ORBS to gain LIFE 

- Collect RED ORBS to gain MAX LIFE

 - Collect YELLOW ORBS for a temporary speed boost 

- Collect BLUE ORBS to become temporarily invulnerable



- WASD - Move

 - Mouse - Look / Aim 

- Hold LMB - Rapid Fire Explosive Beam (unlimited ammo) 

- Click RMB - Launch Grenade Volley (this costs Life)

 - Hold CapsLock - Run 

- Spacebar - Jump 

- M - Menu



  • All Orbs expire 30 seconds after they drop
  • Upgrading between waves is optional, not required
  • Aggression is encouraged rather than “circle strafing”
  • Keep moving!
  • Enemy projectiles can be destroyed
  • There is a cheat code that grants max upgrades…

This is my POST-JAM entry for Ludum Dare 44.  The theme was "Your Life is Currency."

Thanks for playing and commenting!

Please leave a comment with your feedback or send feedback to [email protected].  Thank you!


 Credits:  - Jordan Tanner:  Graphics, Programming, Design, Sound

ROBO font by George Edward Purdy


Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Web

Edit the game info
Last Modified: May 20, 2019

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