Decker (itch)
Decker is a roguelike about playing a futuristic hacker with a direct neural interface. Your aim is to accumulate enough fame to be remembered for all time without being caught or killed.
Press F1 for in-game help!Note: You can press the bracket keys ('[' and ']') to change font size!
The in-game help menu explains the premise, controls, and mechanics of Decker. You can also check out a screenshot of the help menu on this page if you'd like to read through it without launching the game.
This game was made as an entry for 7DRL 2023, and so was made in the first week of March, 2023. It was based on my entry from the prior year, Unwired, and reuses the basic interface and some mechanics, but takes the gameplay in a significantly differently direction.
Since this game has received post 7drl updates, I've uploaded a zip file with the official 7drl version for judging (though the changes are minor: balance tweaks, the ability to start a new game after a game over, and support for multiple font sizes). This is a zip file containing a Windows build of the game.
If you would like a version supporting multiple font sizes but without any other post-7drl changes so that you can judge it without facing accessibility issues due to small fonts, please contact me.