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Deep Black: Reloaded

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The Deep Black : Reloaded is a video game in the “Action” genre (third person shooter). Deep Black features extensive gameplay (40 single player missions in 4 different environments) that offers a mix of terrestrial and underwater battles, which so far has no direct analogues in this genre in the global video games market.
The sci-fi project with detailed action-packed underwater combats will feature a new trend in TPS genre. Exciting gameplay suggests using both environments for combats: land and underwater.
The unique setting of Deep Black comprises an immersive story line, complex science-fiction mystery, espionage and bio-terror. The story line runs up in the nearest future in the world of unsteadiness, chaos, espionage, terrorism, desperate fight for world supremacy and possession of sophisticated biological weapon.
Usage of realistic physical effects in the underwater environment enforces players to feel all the deepness of fear and unpredictability of combats in Deep Black.
Players will take to the murky depths armed with a wrath of underwater equipment from specialized underwater suit with jet pack and integrated harpoon and other high tech equipment in pursuit of enemies. With the majority of the game play taking place below the water’s surface, action-adventure fans will need to master new skills to fight hostile enemies and infiltrate enemy bases.
Key features
Cover shooter with 40 missions and 4 different environments
More than 8 hours of gameplay
Underwater combat
Free 3D underwater movement
Immersive storyline with expressive characters
Huge choice of tactical equipment including jetpack suits and weapon, with special traits for underwater combat
Support of Razer Hydra controller
NVIDIA 3D Vision Ready title
NVIDIA PhysX support
Optimized for Intel Sandy & Ivy Bridge, working well on Ultrabooks

Release date
Strategy First
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 6 GB free hard drive space
  • Video Card: DirectX 9, 10 or 11 compatible NVidia or AMD ATI card. NVidia GeForce 8800 or higher. ATI equivalent. Intel Sandy Bridge and higher
  • Sound: DirectX compatible sound card
  • Additional Notes: Utilizes Sixense technology and supports Hydra Razor
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Last Modified: Jan 17, 2023

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Deep Black: Reloaded reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I have to say, unfortunately, about this Game that you can't play it, as a Patch can't be loaded properly. No Idea how long this takes for the Developers to judge it. You simply have to check "Discussion." The Game itself is really very nice, if only would go.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Owns Deep Black: Reloaded Dec 27, 2014 at 2:25 Pm DEEP BLACK GEHT!!! It goes, and while starting the Game, Lan pulls plugs, cap internet who reads this here please translate to English, dar many in usa and elsewhere also start problems have at least on windows 7 rattles it, much fun!!! ---also on winows 10 it goes, but first start team, dan lan plug tart zihere internet cap, who the game starts you can put the lan cable back in,
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
After I always tore back and forth, I bought it in a Sale. Short and Knapp: Positive: Graphics and Gameplay I thought is good game is now so Patched That it really won't block any More Abscent Door negative without Firewall is impossible or don't start (with this Problem a bit googles) Sometimes the Opponents are really off Steel and it takes wirklcih extremely Much hits which is also not traceable It has two three really Unfair Passages also on easy (have started a second Time on easy as otherwise there was no End in Sight) So who has a bit of Patience for the one it is something for everyone else It's better to let hands Off Greats Flou
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Sooo I write again something ^^ ... The 2 min I played is the graphic etc and something like that good. 10/10 But I recommend everyone not to buy the game. Reason: After installing, the game does not start and had to get help from the community. It was all very well described in how to solve the problem. All well and good the Game finally ran could play 2 min tuturial and then comes the next problem. Game crashes because any resurcen are gone and lack any mishing. And so I uninstalled the game again. So as I said it is not recommended to buy it pointless money even if it is only 4 eus. mfg your wurst end with 2.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game runs when you block it in the Windows Firewall, but whoever, like me, turned those off, of course can't block it there. Moreover, it doesn't seem to work for one or the other. But You can also edit the HOSTS File and block the Access. For Win7: In the Starting Menu "Run ..." Select and start "editor.exe." This gives the Editor Admin Rights. In the editor menu "Open ..." Select and add UNTEN to the File Name (!): C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc Then to the Right Of the File area "All Files (*. *)" so that the HOSTS file Becomes visible. Select them and add The following below. www.biart7.com File, done.
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