Democracy 3 Africa achievements

Police State
It seems nobody has been a stronger champion of the power of the state than you. Our citizens are now under firmer control than ever before. Good work.
Oil Dependency
Ok, so we have built a country that is massively dependent on oil, some may see that as bad, but its definitely an achievement of some sort.
God's Kingdom
You have done fantastic work in the service of God, and restored our country's rightful status as one Kingdom under God, with a pious and devoted population.
Agrarian Society
Who needs cities and technology anyway, when you can have the majority of your citizens out in the fields doing an honest days toil?
Socialist Paradise
Congratulations comrade! You have remade this country in the very image of a socialist paradise. The proletariat are down-trodden no longer. Excellent work!
Banana Republic
They say its important to stick to what you do best, and looking at our economy, we grow food and export it better than anything else. Bananas for Lunch!
Flip Flops
You have managed to second-guess your policy decisions so many times that the electorate are accusing you of being the 'flip-flop' politician. Perhaps you should be more decisive in future?
Survivor They say some politicians are political survivors, but you really define the word with the way you keep dodging those terrorist plots. Here, have a shiny medal!
Technological Superiority
Our country has shown itself to be on the cutting edge of technology and we are now held up as an example of innovation, skill and science. Good job!
You certainly have the stamina for politics, you have been working away in your office for so long now that it's almost time to start the next days work!
Lonely At The Top
There really is no room for friends at the top of government, and your constant dismissal of ministers shows you take that attitude to heart.
Budget Balancer
Using a combination of prudence and economic ability, you have managed to keep the country's finances in the black for five whole years. Congratulations!