Democracy 3 achievements

One Party State
Congratulations! You have all-but-banished the thought of any other political parties from the minds of the electorate, reducing other politicians to mere has-beens.
Green Utopia
You truly have made this country a green and pleasant land, free from the horrors of pollution, waste and damage to the climate. We and the planet thank you!
Legitimate Leader
You have managed not only to win the election, but take a majority of the entire electorate with you, leaving no doubt that you are this country's legitimate leader.
Electoral Success
Success! You have been democratically elected for another term. Somehow you have managed to win over the electorate to your political views. Congratulations!
Crime Free Utopia
Like nowhere else, the citizens of this country can now walk the streets safely, and sleep sound in their beds knowing that crime is practically consigned to the history books. Excellent!
Egalitarian Miracle
We may not all look alike or sound alike, but under your leadership, we all now feel equal with our fellow man/woman/other, and isn't that the most important thing?