Simple game prototype about trying to manage agriculture growing plants and planting them to counteract the desert spreading.
How to Play- Trees and Bushes counteracts sand around them, having water close to them enhances their effect.
- If a tile get overrun by sand you lose it.
- The SandPower is random and determines how hard the sand is spreading and how hard it is for your plants to counter it.
CONTROLS L-ClickClick stuff to interact with themWASDMove Camera(Arrowkeys for lefthanders)QE
ESCPauseMQuickMute MusicNQuickMute SFXRRotate placed objectL-ShiftForce some actions, like destroying stuff that's not fully grown for parts. Some ToDo's
I'm planning to add craftable lights later which will make the nights a bit less dark.
Prices in shop and at crafting stations need some rework.
Made for the Cultivation Jam 10-27June 2022. Check The DEV-LOG for more info.