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Devil May Cry 5

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Devil May Cry 5 is the sixth game in the Devil May Cry franchise and the fifth in its main series.


The game continues the plot of Devil May Cry 2. The demonic threat seems to have been forgotten, but the demons return, and there are new accidents around the world. Nero and Dante have parted ways, and Nero established his own agency. He also received a new robotic arm made by his engineer Nico. It replaces his Devil Bringer prosthetic that was stolen by a villain. At the beginning of the game, Nero rides his van to Red Grave City in which a demonic tree appeared. At the same time, Dante has a new client, a mysterious V, who hires him to investigate the demonic attacks.


As usual in the Devil May Cry series, the player controls his or her character from the third person view. The game features three playable characters. Dante and Nero make a return, and V is newly introduced. Each of the three characters has a unique fighting style. Nero's prosthetic hand allows him to use a variety of options, such as pulling his enemies closer. Nero also uses his legendary weapons, the gun called “Blue Rose” and the sword named “Red Queen”. Dante, as usual, fights with his swords Rebellion and Sparda, as well as a variety of new weapons, such as chainsaws and a motorcycle. V uses a walking cane as a weapon.

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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

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    Devil May Cry 5 reviews and comments

    Boring repetitive level design made it extremely hard to get to the end. But it still was probably worth it because of the cut scenes, music and parts of the story. Gameplay is not new, playing for V was a boring in the beginning. Live cutscenes were fun :)
    7.5 crying devils of 10
    «OST on repeat»
    Itsuno exceeding expectations.
    3 (4 now) playable characters with their own fantastic combat mechanics, fun stages and enemy design, peak DMC fanservice in every way and it all looks and sounds stellar.
    «Blew my mind»
    Really enjoyed this game. I'm not a huge DMC fan but I really appreciate how wild and goofy it can. I haven't played DMC since the reboot but I feel like the combo system was different in the previous games. I prefer button combinations to direction and pause input but once you get used to it it works well. The new character and variety of skills all characters get is great and it's just fun to play. I'm looking forward to seeing where they go next with the series.
    This game has MOTIVATION.
    «Blew my mind»
    «Just one more turn»
    Every one was like WOW when Dmc 5 was
    presented. I'm just destroyed my old table on two part's when i saw the "Devil May Cry" neon sign.I want to say that i don't care about the table.Dmc is on fire again!!!
    «Blew my mind»
    «Can’t stop playing»
    Probably the greatest 3'rd person action game ever made. What Hideaki Itsuno accomplished with the combat system is nothing short of miraculous. Almost all of the playable characters are fun and deep; Nero, Dante and Vergil are an absolute blast to play and each have their own styles and combos, and while V isn't as fun to play as them, I still enjoyed his missions quite a bit and I found him a fascinating character. The graphics are gorgeous; the RE Engine looks so good and makes the characters look realistic as hell and the environment, enemy designs and weapon effects also benefit greatly from it. Boss fights are all great, I enjoyed them all considerably (yes even the Qliphoth Roots), the enemy variety is unique and fun to fight (except for the Furies, f them), and the soundtrack is incredible as well. The story is fine, the nonlinear structure certainly makes it interesting and while the "twist", if you can even call it that, is the most obvious thing in the world, it was nevertheless pretty fun to watch. Comedy works very well, I don't understand why some people are upset at this, DMC was always filled with cheesy humor and it was very entertaining to see both Nero and Dante act cocky to rile up their enemies. 

    Only complaints:  Human mode is way too easy and it feels kind of boring. Son of Sparda is when you're pushed to utilize combos and it's when it gets really fun. Lady and Trish are wasted, and it's a shame. I find Lady's design to be very interesting so I was hoping to see her play an important role but all she does is get captured, get rescued, and sit around in Nico's van. 

    9/10 normally, 10/10 with Vergil/Special Edition. 
    «Blew my mind»
    «Beaten more than once»
    Gr8 m8
    «Liked before it became a hit»
    Itsuno was right. It exceeded expectations
    «Can’t stop playing»
    «OST on repeat»
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