Disney's DuckTales

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DuckTales is an action platformer video game developed and published by Capcom and based on the Disney animated TV series of the same name. It was first released in North America for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989 and was later ported to the Game Boy in 1990. The story involves Scrooge McDuck traveling around the globe collecting treasure and outwitting his rival Flintheart Glomgold to become the world's richest duck.
Produced by key personnel from the Mega Man series, DuckTales would go on to sell over a million copies worldwide on each system, becoming Capcom's best-selling title for both platforms. The game was praised for its tight control, unique and non-linear gameplay and bright presentation, and is often regarded as one of the best titles for the NES, appearing on numerous "Best of" lists.
DuckTales was followed by a sequel, DuckTales 2, in 1993. A Remastered version of DuckTales developed by WayForward Technologies, featuring high resolution graphics and most of the original voice cast from the show, was released in 2013 for PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii U. The original 8-bit version of the game was also included in The Disney Afternoon Collection compilation for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Release date
Capcom, Disney Interactive
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for NES

System requirements for Game Boy

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Last Modified: Feb 19, 2025

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Games of childhood
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DuckTales Adventure Map
Sep 3, 2019
DuckTales Remastered Longplay [PS3/PSN HD]
Aug 15, 2013
DuckTales Remastered [Complete Game] - No Commentary
Dec 7, 2013
Let's Play Disney's DuckTales Remastered Part 1: Tutorial mit den Panzerknackern
Aug 14, 2013
Let's Play Disney's DuckTales Part 1: Die geldgeile Ente Dagobert Duck auf Weltreise
Aug 11, 2013
Speed Game - DuckTales HD - Race MV / Naxxel
Nov 4, 2013
NESblog / Sp...
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Disney's DuckTales reviews and comments

Difficult but worth it.
Levels are designed to reward exploration and the soundtrack is wonderful.
Still holds up.
«OST on repeat»
A classic.
Level design is great, platforming is fun and the soundtrack is fantastic.
Super hard tho.
«OST on repeat»
Just played and beat it recently on Disney Afternoon Collection. I tried this game when I was just a child, though I don't have a nostalgia for it as I was too young at that time to really appreciate it. Overall I love pixel artwork and 2d sidescrollers, though I play current day indie games in these genres as I am not a retro player myself. Duck Tales holds up to this day, though there are some obtuse backtracking and controls takes some time to get used to. 
My first game on the GB. Played it every second my parents allowed me to. Played it with a flashlight under the bedsheets, in the car on the way to my grandparents, playing belly-land on the carpet in our housing complex I grew up... Memories, memories. Solid game tho'! Quick, many secrets and hidden levels, average difficulty. Yay!
«Just one more turn»
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