God of War (2018) reviews

«Blew my mind»
Awesome game. Played on PC. Maxed out graphics. Story, voice acting, pace is fantastic! Not too repetitive. Really personifies a grandiose feeling.
Sony’s best exclusive game in PS4 console generation
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
The game is good. But is this God of War?

Well, the first time I played, I ended up quitting. Why? Because I found it boring. The hype and self-pretentiousness kinda ruined the experience for me. This time was different. My friend let me his Playstation 4. I played every main GoW and loved it, especially the third one. After that, naturally, I was curious about how Kratos would end up there and why. I also had sympathy for Kratos, which I didn't have before. I'm trying to say that GoW 2018 does not sustain itself alone. If you never heard about Kratos and has a good repertory of movies/book with similar Dad and Son Plot, It will not be enough to grab your attention.

Furthermore, I believe the game lost its soul. Yeah, they are trying to tell a new story - and I appreciate that. The problem is a major mischaracterization in-game. The point of view is a nice example of that. Sacrifice the gameplay in favor of the narrative was not a good idea when the script is not that good, like Last of Us, and the melee gameplay was going to get worse. And I say more, the RPG system here is weak as hell. What can I say more? well... mediocre dialog and a static story "progression" made me get angry sometimes.

But... I still recommend this game. The story is still interesting if you played the previous games. The gameplay is not dynamic, but fun sometimes. The dialog is not great but has its moments, especially when Kratos reflects on his past. The graphics were amazing, as was its optimization. 4K 40 fps looked amazing. There is much to talk about - good and bad things, but I'm sleepy. Happily, most of its problems were corrected in Ragnarok, so it's worth your time.
«OST on repeat»
~Зима-Весна 2022
«Blew my mind»
couldnt finish (at 90% of the story ). the change of camera made the combat unfun and unresponding and slow, mb it s look good but doesnt play good. i prefer the first over this one regarding gameplay. Also boring exposition and story look a 2010s game, it s such a departure from the cathartic explosions this series used to be. not evry game has to be a copy of naughty dogs or last of us. it s boring and uninspired
«Disappointment of the year»
«Waste of time»
Besides a couple of nitpicks here and there, I can't think of an open-world game that wasn't just jampacked with fluff but instead, for the most part, had engaging side quests & end game challenges that fit gameplay and story-wise!

Played on the second hardest difficulty but managed to get the platinum after dying so many times starting out! 
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Actually came into this one with concern. There was so much hype that I thought it was just going to let me down. But it did not! The absolute beauty of the game is something to see, with a truly engaging story.  Only thing I would knock against it is Niflhiem…that was way too repetitive and unnecessary. 
«Blew my mind»
Just cutting down the tree was enough to make me shit myself and thats pretty huge. 10/10
«Blew my mind»
«Liked before it became a hit»
Amazing design, voice work, animations, story, just an incredible game.