God of War (2018) reviews

BOY! I Love IT

I love the world they built, all its characters and how the story is told. I am sorry that the game at times becomes very repetitive, there is not a lot of variety of bosses and enemies and this goes against the ideology that I had of this game and all the other god of war games. Regarding gamepley this is most likely one of the best games I have ever played.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
Damn. I have never felt such joy playing a video game in a long long time.
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
Pre Ragnarok Replay:

Fuck ya just bought a PS5 in preparation for Ragnarok. Giving God of War a second play through before it comes out.

It’s just as good as I remembered. I was “worried” that my memory of this game was overhyped but nope, it’s fucking sweet.

It’s so fucking sweet. 

It’s so so fucking sweet.

Moody Atraius isn’t my favourite part. It fits the story but the “whatevers” are starting to piss me off boy. Plus shoot arrows when I tell you to damn it.

Beat the journey. Loved it but I don’t want to overdo it before Ragnarok so I’m calling it. Maybe I come back someday to beat the final side quests and valkyries. There’s potential I come back for the platinum but probably not till after Ragnarok, which means I probably won’t ever do it. Unreal game.

Original Review:

Too kick off this review I have to mention the opening boss fight. That fight went on forever in the best way possible. It lets you know right from the get go that this game is going to be special. God of War has potentially the most satisfying combat ever. It looks, sounds, and feels fantastic. The variety in combat moves and abilities is impressive because it does it in a way where it isn’t too difficult to remember how to do it all. It is a case of easy to pick up but difficult to master. God of War also had a surprisingly interesting Jo story which I did not expect.

One minor criticism is the lack of enemy variety. This criticism is minor because every enemy that they do have in the game is so well done and the combat is so well done that I didn’t really notice until the end of the game. But when you actually think about it in the end there are not that many. Nonetheless this game will go down as a top tier of this generation.

Final Score: A+
Fun moment to moment game play is rarely joined by both stunning visuals and a beautifully realized narrative to this level. God of War is one of those exceptions. Battling monsters from realm to realm starts off fun and just gets better and better as time goes on.  Just as much positive can be said for the story as well. The tale of father and son has enough twists and turns to keep you dying to see more and each pay off is better than the last. God of War has some incredible gaming moments that will be talked about for years.  If my only complaint is I want more, then I just played a very good game.
«Blew my mind»
Absolute masterpiece! This game is good in so many ways that I can't even describe it! Play it!
«That ending!»

The overall tone of God of war is dark, cynical and doesn't really inspire much hope for the world around the protagonists improving. Those aren't usually things I think about when I'm playing an action game so it speaks to how well the universe of this game was made. The combat is so smooth with it's animations that any frame of the action could be used as promotional material and the feeling of the clashes, especially the boomerang-esque leviathan axe when it's being recalled, are the best seen in any game up to this point. The game feels like it re-invents almost nothing, yet perfects so many systems from so many other games, both in it's core combat gameplay loop as well as its world exploration. Easily one of the great video games. 
I love this game soo much,
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
This is my all time favorite game!  One of the only games I have completed 100%
One of the greatest franchise comebacks with an intriguing story and exciting gameplay
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»