God Stomp
You are a trained combat specialist stranded in the deep depths of the urban streets. Enemies are lurking all over; ready to hunt you down. Defeat your foes with style and STOMP your way to glory.
A team has been dispatch to come to your rescue. Fend off your enemies until backup arrives!
Mouse & KeyboardJoypadMovementWASDLeft ThumbstickLookMouseRight ThumbstickFire / MeleeMouse 1Right TriggerAim WeaponMouse 2Left TriggerPick Up ItemEXSwitch CameraVPress Right ThumbstickReloadRXFree MouseEscapeShoot running enemies in the legs to make them stumble.
Perform a melee attack on a downed enemy to stomp them.
Shooting an enemy in the head will stun them.
You can perform melee attacks on stunned enemies.
Melee kills net you bonus time.
Perform melee attacks on hour glasses for bonus time.
Additional Credits:
Prototyping map textures are Prototype WAD from Aleksander "Khreathor" Marhall, [email protected]