Average Playtime: 1 hour

Insanity's Blade

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Take a father’s journey to hell in order to save the souls of his wife and child.
The ultimate old school trip to hell!!
The Chronicles of Thurstan is the first in a series of games based around the journey of a sword possessed by a father's powerful grief and hatred. This first game is the tale of the swords creation.

Rewarding game play features!
  • A blend of action, platforming and RPG elements with a classic retro arcade style
  • Battle through over 16 stages filled with unique enemies, environments and side quests
  • Scale buildings and caves with Thurstan’s wall climbing and jumping ablilites
  • Collect powerful weapons in your inventory and upgrade abilities at the store
  • Play local co-op with your friends! The second player takes control of multiple supporting characters throughout the story!
  • STORY mode filled with cutscenes, intros and outros between levels to tell the story of Insanity's Blade
  • Play the streamlined ARCADE mode for non-stop carnage!
  • Multiple difficulty levels to satisfy both the casual and hardcore cravings!
  • Powerful OPTIONS menu including classic 4:3 or modern 16:9 screen resolution, custom control binding and 16bit or 8bit soundtracks!
  • After beating the STORY mode revisit your save file for unlimited stage replay and completing missed sidequests!

Killer 8-bit and 16-bit soundtracks
A fully original soundtrack with 8-bit and 16-bit versions of each track!

What The Web Says
  • TEAM2G.org "If you had any love for the old 2D combat-centric platformers, you definitely want to give this game a try.".
    Full Review: http://team2g.org/insanitys-blade-two-dimensional-rage/
  • IndieGames.com "one of my favorite action games from last year."
    Full Review: http://indiegames.com/2015/05/new_arcade_mode_streamlines_in.html
  • RPG.net "it understands retro style and mechanics so well while never letting itself be held back by them, I cannot not love it."
    Full Review: http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/16/16417.phtml
  • JoelCouture.com "a game that, for all of its intense storyline, concentrates on making sure the player is having a good time."
    Full Review: http://www.joelcouture.com/?p=4095
  • PixelPopuli.com "Pretty damn fun slice of retro inspired arcade action."
    Full Review: http://pixelpopuli.com/insanitys-blade-review/
  • TechRaptor.net "throwback to the classics of old, with gameplay good enough to keep a player engaged the entire way through."
    Full Review: http://techraptor.net/content/insanitys-blade-review-when-berserk-meets-gargoyles-quest
  • Cliqist.com "fun and easy to learn. After four hours, I'm 70% of the way through, and I definitely lost track of time."
    Full Review: http://cliqist.com/2015/02/04/16bit-death-dismemberment-insanitys-blade/
  • 336GameReviews.com "a hidden gem and worthy of any fan of the Action genre"
    Full Review: http://www.336gamereviews.com/insanitys-blade-review/

Some Awesome YouTube Let's Players!
  • Positron's Singleplayer full play-through series - Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4y8kKij0ypo&list=PLwQX4pVd9LWnLSVxlxJ-2-FpMo2rtoGkY&index=1
  • NoiselessMound's Co-Op play-through series - Episode 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIA1ZaF_HJQ
  • SpicyWaffle's Co-Op quick look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KOp9qsoKXI
  • SlasherJPC's Singleplayer quick look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SeaA-5_uug

Adapted from the Insanity’s Blade graphic novel written by Chris Obritsch and as featured on the now-defunct WTFmag.ca

Note: This software is not compatible with video streaming or screen capture software. Decreased performance will be experienced.
Release date
Causal Bit Games
Causal Bit Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8ghz or higher
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 512mb DirectX-compliant, INTEL GPUs not supported
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c - compliant sound card
  • Additional Notes: Mobile chipsets may work but not supported.
  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel i5 Sandy Bridge
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 1GB DirectX-compliant, INTEL GPUs not supported
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c - compliant sound card
  • Additional Notes: XInput Controller. This software is not compatible with video streaming or screen capture software, decreased performance will be experienced. Mobile chipsets may work but not supported.
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jul 12, 2024

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Insanity's Blade reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Summary a good idea and a good try, but unfortunately the development team did not know to translate, at first glance does not seem a bad game, but has several design errors and one that another bug, a bad gameplay that does not encourage to continue playing On the contrary. Features We are faced with a sidescroll platform game with an aesthetic pixelated that tries to imitate the style of the games of 8 or 16 bit and that gets it relatively well, the characters have their charm but without becoming any wonder. It Has a control of 3 buttons, jump, shot and a kind of grip and as we go killing enemies we will adding experience that allows us to level up and have more powerful blows. My Experience At First sight does not seem like a bad game and for the price does not seem bad investment, unfortunately the game has several errors, design problems and a bad gameplay that lead me not to recommend it. For example, when you move forward with your character, the camera moves in that direction with the intention of showing you more game space, but when you stop you re-focus on your character, this makes the camera is constantly dancing, if to that add that the Movement of the camera does not feel fluid, if not, medium forced, ends up producing a rather annoying effect. When you reach Level 2 you get your shot to change from being a blow to throwing knives, but you can only do it horizontally, in principle this is not a problem, except that the designers added enemies that come out in upper or lower lines of your character, and therefore you can not attack directly, you must move to dodge them until they enter your horizontal (including the jump), a minor detail but that adding to the lousy handling of the camera dancer makes facing such enemies is a Very annoying experience. When you finish a level in history mode (I did not try the Arcade mode) you will get a dialogue where you have to select First, the file where you want to save the game, after selecting that file you will get a menu where you ask if you want to save, upload or "exit". If you give "save" the game returns to the menu to select File and you will have to re-select the file to return to the menu "save", "Load" or "exit". Now You must use the option "exit", quiet, you will not get out of the game, if not, you will come out of this horrendous menu to show you a special map where we handle a hand/cursor that allows us to select what level we want to play. The map is bigger than the resolution of the game, so if you move the cursor you will cause the camera to follow. When trying to select the next level I give the attack button, nothing happens, I try the jump button, nothing. I Try the button of grip and surprise, nothing. Surely I have well positioned the cursor, but in the doubts press "enter" and then skips the file selection menu, I have to re-select the file where I want to "save" to show me the menu with the option "Exit (menu)" and to do so , the cursor has disappeared, apparently when you open the menu, the cursor returns to the beginning, but the camera does not, so now you do not see the cursor, if you press the addresses the camera does not move, you have to try blindly, to take the cursor to the area where you had the camera to Qu E it will move again. I Decide to try the Arcade mode, intuitively Press "enter" to open the menu, UPS, the forgotten, that opens the menu to save/load and there is no other option, "Esc" maybe?, nothing, I found no way to open a general menu gave me the minimum options That are expected, like load new game, return to the main menu or even close the game, there is no more option "Ctrl-Alt-Del", kill process, uninstall and ask for the refund.
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