Average Playtime: 1 hour

Kult: Heretic Kingdoms

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In the world of the Heretic Kingdoms, a world where God is dead and religion heresy, you are cast as a young female inquisitor, working to stamp out the last remnants of religion. On instructions to destroy a relic which the Inquisition considers to be a significant threat, you are drawn into a war between two warring secret societies – a conspiracy of mages whose goal is true power, and a shadowy cult who seeks to resurrect the Dead God.

As the story progresses, you will be placed in an amoral world and left to decide your own morality. Just like the real world, your actions have consequences, and it is up to you to decide if you can live with them or not. Play as an altruistic heroine, a vicious and selfish egotist, or just a woman trying to get her job done – your actions will lead you to one of six different endings depending on where you decide your loyalties lie. Will you crush religion underfoot, or become its savior? Only you can decide!
An engaging story line written by a script team lead by critically acclaimed game writer and designer Chris Bateman (Discworld Noir, Ghost Master)!
Features a simple but rewarding combat system that keeps the action flowing thick and fast.

A vast world to explore containing around fifty locations, scores of unique monsters, and tons of loot!
Release date
Games Farm
Games Farm
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 1.5GHz, or compatible
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidiaGeForce 8800GT or higher
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX supporting sound card
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 1.5GHz, or compatible
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: nVidiaGeForce 8800GT or higher
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 4 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX supporting sound card
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Last Modified: Jul 31, 2023

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Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition trailer
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Kult: Heretic Kingdoms (Steam Edition) • PC gameplay presentation • 60 FPS • MAX SETTINGS •
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Kult: Heretic Kingdoms reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Kult is a good little hack'n slash, pretty pretty and at first glance interesting scenario even if playing an atheized Inquisitor is a little interlending the story to his sauce. After a few hours of play, I find the program not very exciting, the collision mask of the enemies is ridiculously small so much that one often taps beside, there are very unpleasant sound glitches, the map are ridiculously small and the management of blood , energy and mana remind me of painful hours under vampire the masquerade redemtpion since to recharge his blood gauge it is necessary to either sleep in a hostel or a campfire but impossible to sleep anywhere or in any bed so we do It often leave a map to redo a health and then return to it. With a little more audacity, Kult would have been a great game but there are so many better hack'n slash to three francs six under here, so why inflict this then?
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Cult, this is a Game that has everything to be called what its Title promises. In Cult we are a Member of the Inquisition, which has made it its goal to banish all Religion from the World. As an Inquisitor, we are now swinging Scepters, Swords and magical Objects. And this is where the playful Similarities with Diablo II and Baldurs Gate stop again. As we evolve, we improve our Heroine's Attributes, but We don't learn Spells like that. Every Spell in the Game is implanted in different Objects, and must be unlocked here. This is done with Equipment by simply Carrying it, and with Weapons by wearing it more. The more powerful the Spells, the Longer you have to explore them. The Spells themselves re-center divide into active and passive Spells, which are either specifically activated (active) or that always work (passively). Due to the corresponding Selection of Spells and Equipment, every Enemy is soon defeated, with the Degree of difficulty sometimes quite happy. A particularly interesting Feature in the Game is the Dream World, a Parallel World to switch to if needed. Only Magicians or particularly strong Opponents exist in both Worlds, which is why you should regularly switch to the Dream world to find all The secrets. To get to the many main and Side quests interwoven in places, a lot of Conversations would have to be had, and you learn a lot about the History of the Country and the Inquisition. The Graphics are timely, especially the Difference Realwelt/Dreamworld has been worked out very well, but remains discreet. The Game requires a Middle-class System. Clearly negative is the Fact that the Game did not start in the Sales Version 1.0 on the PC, only the Patch on v1.1 led to the Cult finally running, if only with Administrator rights. The missing Map in the individual Levels also leads to long and repetitive Exploratory paths, especially in Cities. Verdict: If Diablo II was too stupid and Baldurs Gate too lengthy, it will be happy at Cult. The Magic System, the two Parallel Worlds, a good Story and, last but not least, a good and interesting Story running through the Game, make Cult a playful highlight
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