• Last Update v0.7.3
-The Gallery will now update once when you open it instead of at the beginning of the game so the first 2 seconds of the game are no longer laggy.
-Fix a bug where the Mid click on a cube does not update the selected color in the color mixer.
-Fix a bug where the Mid click does not change the mouse cursor.
-Update the help menu with the new things added or fixed.
-The Color Mixer animation are now shorter and smother.
-Some minor performance changes.
• Previous Update v0.7.2
-Added a new confirm message when you order to clear the scene so you do not accidently lose your work.
-Now saving the scene will have focus to the saving name so you do not accidently enter any of the in game shortcuts.
-Some performance and memory optimizations.
-Fix a bug in the setting menu where it some time does not save your last desired settings.
-Return the fast build mode holding Shift now will build faster .
• Previous Update v0.70
-New better & smother Camera system.
-New Color Mixer system to be able to get any color you want for sky, cubes & the ground.
-New Color Tracker system to save the last used 10 colors.
-New wide clean and better UI.
-Each button now has a short cut.
-Grids resizing are now 10x time faster than before.
-New Help Menu.
-New settings Menu.
-New Screenshots & Gallery System.
-Now you Can mirror build in both x & y axis.
• Previous Update v0.60
-Rebuilt the system to be able to easily
add more shapes to the game in the future.
-The Cube shape now is just a variable.
-A new slider menu for selecting shapes.
-6 new basic shapes more to come latter.
-Adding the ability to directly select shapes
from existing shapes on scene using Mid mouse button.
-Replace the old Quick Save & Load System with
a new Unlimited Saving System. now you can keep every thing you made even after you close the game.
-A new Undo System to restore recently deleted cubes.
-Adding the ability to move selected objects on the scene.
-Adding the ability to rotate and flip some cubes.
-Adding Animations for cubes in fast build mode.
-Enhance the paint mode now you can paint faster while holding Shift key.
-The Grid System is now even & 6 time faster than the old one.
• Previous Updates v0.45
-Quick Save & Load System now works fine.
-Add the ability to track last used colors.
-New Mirror Build Mode.
-New Paint Mode (beta).
-New Fast Build Mode (beta).
-New Flexible Grid System.
with built area up to 35 x 35.
-New Lego Cube as main building shape.
-UI are now organized & improved & self-explanatory.
• Previous Updates v0.35
-Improved navigation system.
-Better performance up to 200% from the first version.
-Quick save and load system (beta)
-Additional color palette system to get more colors.
-UI improved.
• Previous Updates v0.2
- General improvement of the user interface.
- Added the ability to move around the object using mouse movement.
- Now you can move the camera forward and backward.
- Add the possibility of building from the bottom.
- Improved program speed +15 frames per second.
- Add a help menu.
- Adding the ability to change the mouse speed to suit the user's desire.