Loot Goblin (park-dev, Festus, JacquesJ, Jazarro)
Craft your way to victory in this unique adventurer's backpack simulation!
We're going dungeon crawling, but all the hard work is done for you by the valiant Sir Hoardalot, and you, as his resourcesful Loot Goblin are going to keep his backpack in order! Craft potions and weapons to strengthen the hero, and help kill the evil Ogre Necromancer.
The game is a submission for Bevy Jam #2, working with the theme "Combine".
All used assets are original work.
Repo (Apache 2/MIT) : https://github.com/vanGeck/bevy-jam-2
Game Controls
- `Escape` will back out of the game to the main menu. If you're already on the main menu, it will instantly close the game.
- `F11` will toggle between `BorderlessFullscreen` and `Windowed` mode.
- `Shift-left-click` will consume items
- `Ctrl+Alt-left-click` will destroy item
- `Drag` items to move them to the combining area
- `Left-click` the combine button to combine items
- `Space` when prompted will cause the hero to advance deeper into the dungeon
All Music by
Twitchywhalez (YouTube)
All Art by
DarkDax (YouTube/Itch.io/Twitter/GitHub) and InkeFaux
Game Programming by
VanGeck (GitHub)
Jazzaro (GitHub)
frederickjjoubert (GitHub/Itch.io)
parK-dev (GitHub)
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Sep 2, 2022
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