Average Playtime: 2 hours

A New Beginning - Final Cut

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A point-and-click adventure from Daedalic Entertainment, A New Beginning is a story of time travel and ecological cataclysms. Presented in-game future is dark, mostly due to the fact that life is possible only deep underground, in caves and crevices. In order to prevent the full extinction of all life forms of the face of the earth, some people invented the time machine that will help to locate the beginning of the chain of events that brought their world to ruin. Fay, one of the few time travelers, has to convince Bent Svenson, that his recent discovery of bacteria based biofuel is the only key to the survival of the planet in the future.
New Beginning consists of 11 chapters, where the player will control Fay or Ben. It is not possible to switch between characters interactively, but the story and gameplay are direct and straightforward. Final Cut was brought to the Steam 3 times and met rejection because Valve Corp. considered their target audience not interested in the genre in general, but Daedalic Entertainment succeeded and brought the entire line of their products to the platform.

Release date
Daedalic Entertainment
Daedalic Entertainment, Lace Mamba Global
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS:Windows Vista/7/8
  • Processor:2 GHz (Single Core) or 1.8 GHz (Dual Core)
  • Memory:1500 MB RAM
  • Graphics:OpenGL 2.0 compatible with 256 MB RAM (Shared Memory is not recommended)
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX compatible
  • OS:Windows Vista/7/8
  • Processor:2.5 GHz (Single Core) or 2 GHz (Dual Core)
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:OpenGL 2.0 compatible with 512 MB RAM (Shared Memory is not recommended)
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:5 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX compatible

System requirements for macOS

  • OS:Lion (10.7)
  • Processor:2 GHz (Dual Core) Intel
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • OS:Lion (10.7)
  • Processor:2 GHz (Dual Core) Intel
  • Memory:2 GB RAM

System requirements for iOS

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Last Modified: Mar 13, 2024

Where to buy

App Store

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4 edits


1 edit
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn - A New Beginning
Jan 7, 2013
Final Cut: A New Beginning - Gameplay Trailer
Dec 11, 2012
A New Beginning - Final Cut trailer
Dec 19, 2012
PC Longplay [630] A New Beginning - Final Cut
Sep 18, 2016
World of Lon...
A New Beginning Final Cut - Gameplay PC | HD
Dec 11, 2012
A New Beginning Final Cut Walkthrough - PART 1 | Prologue, Find the key & Fay and her reason | HD
Dec 30, 2012
HD Gaming Ch...
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A New Beginning - Final Cut reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A New Beginning is a Point ' n ' click adventure from the German Company Daedalic, best known for the Series "Deponia" and "Edna & Harvey." Story We write the Year 2500 AD-the Apocalypse is imminent and the Majority of the Population on Earth is threatened with Exitus, with our Planet already very badly affected by Climate change and not allowing normal Life. The only Chance to Survive: A team of scientists sent back in time to intervene as early as possible to stop climate Change. Initial Calculations lead the Team into 2050-but it was already too late. Surprised by the Extremes of the Climate, much of the Team is quickly killed, whether it's cold Death in Moscow or a Hurricane in Paris. The two Survivors, Fey and Salvador, find Records of a Climate Summit in 1989, where the Decision was determined that there were no alternative Energies to Nuclear Energy. But the Team itself uses a novel source of Energy: A Blue Algae named after the Inventor, the Norwegian Scientist Bent Svensson. So the Plan is to travel to 1989 and use the Scientist to prove the Efficiency of The Algae in order to stop climate Change. A very well written Story around a Topic, which is extremely important today and also needs more Attention. Daedalic has thus managed the perfect Balancing Act between Seriousness and fun and, meanwhile, appeals that each of us has to protect the Environment-none of us can do anything alone, only together this is possible, which thus also reflects the Core Message of the Game. Gameplay What to say big, A New Beginning is just a classic Point & click adventure, so are the Mechanics. Left Click → record object, investigate, use etc., right Click → Inventory, as with most Offshoots of this Genre. The Puzzles in themselves are not too light, usually not so difficult, but there are still one or the other Place within the Story, where you have to pay close attention to your Surroundings in order to make further progress. The Mini-games, however, are Daedalic typical already a House number, which are rarely done within two Minutes, but it stands out that this Same change is unfortunately In short supply. But What was missing was the common Thread on some Passages. Sometimes you have two Puzzles at the same time, sometimes the Puzzles themselves have not been explained well enough, so that you also need some Time to orient. As mentioned above: A New Beginning is a normal P & C adventure, doesn't reinvent the Genre and doesn't tear big Jumps otherwise-but of course it doesn't mean it's bad, far from it. Design Again typical Daedalic: The Game comes in a loving Comic graphic, where you have noticed in every Character and place how much Effort was made. The Cutscenes were then really designed like Comic Pages, which then also makes for a rather simple Game for good moments, it doesn't always have to be bombastic Animated Sequences. The Soundtrack was also well designed and was always installed to match the Story, apart from a Laboratory where the whole Chapter ran through melanchonic Music, which only fit there in the first two Minutes. The Voice-acting was very successful in the German Synchro, which is why I first wondered at the Reviews, but I didn't forget the English Synchronization, so I can't evaluate it either. Verdict: A New Beginning shines above all in Story and Design. Daedalic has once again managed to hold up a Mirror to Society and package a serious Topic very well into a Game, Thumbs up. So If you are a Fan of Point & Click Adventuren, you can quietly get bodied, you won't regret it. Recommendation for Fans of: Deponia, Lost Horizon
Translated by
Microsoft from Italian
One of the best adventure games I've ever seen, and strangely little valued (at least in Italy), unlike others for whom I regretted the money spent. Long and varied, with numerous characters alive and not anonymous, which remain in the memory and involve as well the narrated story. It could be called an interactive novel and certainly not bored. The story takes place in different places and situations, the minigames are very rare, no part of hidden objects. Everything is part of history and has its own logic. In spite of its length, in the end I regret that it ends, we become attached to the protagonists, as we said very human. Original in the graphic part, some animation scenes are replaced by images in succession like comic strips. At first it leaves us perplexed, but then the idea is pleasant. I haven't had any crashes, but I think the program takes up enough memory. In the third chapter I had minor problems with the mouse, but they disappeared after a short time. In case it happens just beat some other key (even the space should suffice) alternating it at the click of the mouse, but as said it doesn't last long. Generally I advise you not to run other programs at the same time, at least that was my impression. In conclusion, highly recommended to lovers of adventure games, a game that will have its place among the classics of the genre.
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