Nomads Sky

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Godot Wildjam January 2021 Submission.

Known Bugs: 

- Once fuel/o2 is depleted the processor, unfortunately, does not start processing again....even if you pick up new resources like ice and promethium. In other words: the processor works fine as long as your tanks are not empty.


Welcome Nomad. You are a space pilot for the Unimine Corporation. Your job is to fly through uncharted space territory to find rare minerals the company needs for its services. One of those services is cloning. Your DNA is saved in the corporation's servers.

Once you start your journey through space you can not return. You have to manage your fuel and oxygen to survive. You can mine and gather ice (O2 generation), plutonium (fuel generation), and cobalt(ship maintenance and repairs) to survive longer. The ship's processor will turn the stored ice and plutonium into their usable forms over time. But beware of your ship's weight, because the more you store in your cargo hold, the harder your ship handles.

While surviving you should look out for the rare mineral painite the company needs and gather as much as you can. You can construct delivery drones to send the collected painite to the nearest company outpost. Constructing drones costs fuel and cobalt, so sending as much painite at once is better than sending small packages.
If you die on your journey the ship and all the cargo is lost. The company will create a new clone and send you on your way.

Gathering resources is possible in two different ways. Either by using your mining laser to destroy asteroids and collecting the resources (costs fuel and yields fewer resources) or by mining asteroids. (more dangerous but does not cost fuel and yields a lot more resources)

Controls ActionKeyboardControllerThrustWRTLaserL, AltLTAuto DampenQRBMineELBConstruct DroneCDPad LeftRepairRDPad RightInventoryTabSelectPause MenuP, EscStart Support

- Full controller support

- Full keyboard support

- No mouse needed

- Different Aspect Ratios than 16:9 should not be  a problem (but not tested)

- No options

- No audio (sounds and music)

Planned Features 

------not implemented in game jam version-------

- Buying different ships with earned credits

- Persistent upgrades for your ship subsystems (very rare)

- Non Persistent upgrades for each run

- Ship Wrecks (a great source for upgrades and fuel/ O2 can be replenished)

Release date
Solo Byte Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Jan 18, 2021

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