Operation Eclipse
This is a simulation of the UK’s effort to keep Soviet Forces from occupying Denmark at the end of WWII. Stalin wanted ports on the Atlantic, and Churchill was equally determined to stop him. This game assumes the Soviets push a bit harder than they did in 1945 by: 1) launching an amphibious assault on Denmark’s eastern islands, similar to the one the USSR launched on the Kuril Islands in Japan, 2) forcing large numbers of refugees into the British zone of occupation to create logistical problems for the Allies, 3) mining Danish harbors to keep Western Allied troops and food from landing, and 4) sending communist agitators behind Allied lines to stir up an increasingly hungry and desperate population. The game starts in mid-April of 1945, and you play the British. The Germans have yet to surrender, but they will not hold out for long. You are thirty days away from Soviet occupation and/or a communist uprising. Good luck!