OVERGROWTH (itch) (dearner)
NEW FEATURE: press 'p' to switch between speeds (1x, 2x, 3x)!
------- BEGIN FAQ -------
Q: What are you? // A: The Greenwarden
Q: What are your tools? // A: Trees, of course.
Q: Do trees hate fascists? // A: Trees, like all vegetal things, are socialists. So yes.
Q: Wait, what? How do I play? // A: W,A,S,D to move, space to plant, z to select trees.
Q: I've planted trees, what do I do now? // A: You've got to hide behind the bush! Then you can start the level.
Q: None of the keys do anything! // A: For whatever reason, you have to click on the game before it accepts keyboard input! You'll have to click again if you put it in fullscreen, too.
------- END FAQ -------