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Paladins (also known as Paladins: Champions of the Realm) is a free-to-play multiplayer first-person shooter. The game is, according to developers, influenced by Team Fortress 2 and is an example of hero shooter subgenre: a type of multiplayer shooter in which you choose to play as one of the pre-made characters with unique abilities and weapons¬.
The primary game mode in Paladins is the siege. Two teams are fighting for the capture point in the center of the map. When a team successfully seizes the capture point, it gets 1 Objective Point, and the Payload spawns for them. Now they must escort the Payload to the enemy’s base to get additional Objective Point. The hostile team can, however, steal the Payload to get Objective Point themselves. Once a team gets 4 Objective Points, it wins the match.
There are more than 38 heroes (or “champions” as they are called in the game) available in Paladins. Initially, the player has access to 5 of them at any time, and 4 more are in a two-week rotation. To permanently get any other champion, the player has to buy the champion via in-game currency or buy the champions pack for real money.

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X 10.10
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: ATI or Nvidia graphics card with 512MB video ram or better and Shader Model 3.0+ support. (ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or higher)
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
  • OS: OS X 10.10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6950 or better with 768 MB+ of VRAM (DirectX 11 Compatible)
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: ATI or Nvidia graphics card with 512MB video ram or better and Shader Model 3.0+ support. (ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or higher)
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
  • OS: 64-bit: Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-750, 2.67 GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 965, 3.4 GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 6950 or better with 768 MB+ of VRAM (DirectX 11 Compatible)
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store

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Paladins reviews and comments

pretty chill game. most casual than overwatch. the fanbase is pretty bad imo. played for a solid 40 hours. it is a hard game to get into, but hard to drop. if you are a fan of overwatch, but hate overwatch (i get it), then this is the game for you. 

6/10. do not reccomend.
i liked to play it with friends but i feel like the newer and newer characters get over designed and really devalue the style of the game
«Sit back and relax»
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review My personal first Impression * Note *-Parts of the Review address things that have since been adapted to Overwatch. I've had my Eye on the Game for a long time, alongside Overwatch. Now with the open beta, I can draw the direct Comparison, at least for myself. At least now in the first Few hours, I even liked the Gameplay in Paladins better in places than in Competitor Overwatch. Paladins is a bit more direct here and, at least in the currently available Game mode, also a little fairer in my Eyes. Anyone can become an Attacker or defender after taking the Lore. Here neither party has an Advantage or even disadvantage right at the Beginning through any map needle tubes. It is fought at the Point and decided who the Lore must now push. Only later when pushing the Lore, the Sections narrow at times to give the current Defenders one last Chance of Defensiveness. Which is perfectly fine and provides action on both Sides. Furthermore, I could not really identify a Character who was immediately hated by everyone (play here on Bastion or E.g. Torbjörn). Feeling there is no Character that would be inferior or superior to anyone. But here I don't reach too much judgement, but I don't play this Game long enough. At Times, there are still Lags or other Problems in individual Games. But I push This completely to the Beta and think that HiRez will improve here. Is Paladins Pay2Win? For me, always an important Question about Free2Play titles. And the short Answer is-No By any means. The important Things can be purchased directly from the playable Inga Currency. Only Things of a cosmetic Nature can sometimes only be bought with the Premium currency, where the Real Money Bet takes place. At the Moment there is even the Founder Package, which automatically unlocks all current and future Heroes, for just under 13 euros. With This, the Game was almost completely bought, which I think is a fair Deal. Is Paladins like Overwatch? I think that both Games, despite their obvious Similarities, have different Approaches in Detail. Overwatch wants to keep the Gameplay permanently open and flexible with its, I'll call it, "hero swapping." Paladins is very restrictive here, similar to an MOBA, tying you to a Hero even for the whole Match. That, in my Eyes, makes a Match in Paladins more calculable. Here one will not, as an extreme Example, meet a Wall of Bastions with Reinhardt'S as an accompanying shield at The End. Whether one appreciates the Calculability or the Openness is left to everyone. Mostly I'm all for the former. Completion Both Games are a lot of Fun in any case! I am therefore really very excited to see how Paladins develop further and will sink here for a few More hours. Paladins is a very good Opportunity for those who really want to get a taste of the world of "hero shooters." It costs nothing, it is small and therefore quick to download and fun. Just Give it a try.
This analysis is in Spanish (my original language) and in English.


The first thing is to settle the famous controversy that this title plagiarizes Overwatch. I am a constant player of Overwatch and Paladins. I have played many hours in both games (especially Overwatch). And what's more, I played Paladins, as soon as I came out in the Alpha phase, that is, I saw it evolve.
The two games feel different. And both are good.
Do not take revenge on me that one copied the other, because both belong to the same genre. This category is still being developed, it is called "Hero Shooter". It consists of some kind of game mode (the most common is to conquer a point and escort a load to a certain point on the map), in which we will take different characters, with their corresponding roles (DPS (damage), Tank (defense ), Healer (healer), etc ...) So, why do not we say that Battlefield is copied from Call Of Duty or vice versa? It is very big nonsense. Both belong to the same gender and period.

Now, I will focus on talking about Paladins.
It is an online multiplayer video game that consists of facing a team of five against five on a map. Normally you have to conquer a point.
One of the things I like most about this game is the variety of characters and their roles (already mentioned above). We can find human beings, elves, talkative trees, etc ...), each with a distinct and charismatic personality.
That is, it is set in a fantasy universe (which I would swear, is shared by the other great title of Hirez Studios, "Smite").
It is a video game that is in Beta phase but very complete.
It is very fun and full of adrenaline.
The history of the videogame (Lore), is beginning to emerge.
And it is very interesting that most of the characters, obtain their powers through the crystals that carry over (whether in weapons, clothing, etc ...), hence the diamond icon.

Now, it's not perfect. It has lots of bugs (some can annoy you the game experience), there are things that are wrong in some maps (Corners with no way out ...), the characters do not interact well with the environment (for example, if I want to upload to a platform, the character makes strange movements and many times I died for that ...), etc ... I also miss, a physical attack and the ability to duck the character (although this is subjective). It does not look as good as Overwatch but we can excuse it, it is in Beta phase. The servers of Hirez Studios, have never been very ... decent (However, the company is very good). But what I hate the most about this title, is the hitbox (it's what defines what part of a character can take damage and how much damage can suffer), is enormously broad in all the characters. For example, you can see many times how to kill you, your enemy was not even being accurate against you (that is, I did not hit the bullets but the game detects that, damaging you).

In summary, it is a very funny and frenetic game that I recommend you to try. Total, it's free!


Lo primero es zanjar la famosa polemica de que este título plagia a Overwatch. Soy un constante jugador de Overwatch y Paladins. Llevo muchísimas horas jugadas a ambos videojuegos (sobre todo a Overwatch). Y es más, jugué a Paladins, nada más salir en fase Alfa, es decir, lo he visto evolucionar.
Los dos juegos se sienten distintos. Y ambos son buenos.
No me vengáis con que uno se copia del otro, pues los dos pertenecen al mismo género. Está categoría que aún está siendo desarrollada, se le denomina "Hero Shooter". Consiste en algún tipo de modo de juego (el más habitual, es conquistar un punto y escoltar una carga a un determinado punto del mapa), en el cual llevaremos a diferentes personajes, con sus roles correspondientes (DPS (daño), Tanque (defensa), Healer (sanador), etc...) Entonces, ¿Por qué no decimos que Battlefield se copia de Call Of Duty o viceversa? Es una tontería muy grande. Los dos pertenecen al mismo género y punto.
Ahora sí, me centraré en hablar de Paladins.
Es un videojuego online multijugador que consiste en enfrentar un equipo de cinco contra cinco en un mapa. Normalmente hay que conquistar un punto.
Una de las cosas que más me gustan de este juego, es la variedad de personajes y sus roles (ya mencionados anteriormente). Podemos encontrarnos a seres humanos, elfos, árboles parlanchines, etc... ), cada uno con una personalidad distinta y carismática.
Es decir, está ambientado en un universo de fantasía (que juraría, es compartido por el otro gran título de Hirez Studios, "Smite").
Es un videojuego que está en fase Beta pero muy completo.
Es muy divertido y repleto de adrenalina.
La historia del videojuego (Lore), está comenzando a surgir. Y es muy interesante que la mayoría de los personajes, obtengan sus poderes a través de los cristales que porten encima (ya sea en las armas, ropa, etc...), de ahí, el icono del diamante.

Ahora bien, no es perfecto. Tiene montones de bugs (algunos te pueden fastidiar la experiencia de juego), hay cosas que están mal en algunos mapas (Rincones sin salida...), los personajes no interactuan bien con el entorno (por ejemplo, si me quiero subir a una plataforma, el personaje realiza movimientos extraños y muchas veces he muerto por eso...), etc...
También echo en falta, un ataque físico y la capacidad de agacharse del personaje (aunque esto es subjetivo). No tiene tan buen acabado como Overwatch pero podríamos excusarlo, en que está en fase Beta. Los servidores de Hirez Studios, nunca han sido muy... decentes (No obstante, la empresa es muy buena). Pero lo que más odio de este título, es la hitbox (es lo que define qué parte de un personaje puede recibir daños y qué cantidad de daño puede sufrir), es enormemente amplia en todos los personajes. Por ejemplo, puedes fijarte muchas veces como al asesinarte, tu enemigo ni siquiera estaba siendo preciso contra ti (es decir, no te acertaba las balas pero el juego detecta que sí, dañándote).  

En resumen, es un juego muy divertido y frenético que te recomiendo que pruebes. Total, ¡es gratis!
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