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Warframe is an online free-to-play cooperative third-person looter shooter. In the far future the Orokin had absolute control over the solar system but have since disappeared, now the militaristic Grineer, the money-worshipping Corpus, and the Infested fight for what they left behind. You are a Tenno - a master of gun and blade and user of the Warframes, it is up to you to bring back balance to the system from within, while also fighting a new threat from without: the Sentients.
Over 40 unique Warframes to build, hundreds of guns and melee weapons to utilize, and various pet companions to help you along the way - all of which can be crafted for free and enhanced by an in-depth modding system.
With constant updates by Digital Extremes, the game now has over six years of updates including new open-world landscapes (Plains of Eidolon-2017, Orb Vallis-2018) and cinematic story expansions (The Second Dream-2015, The War Within-2016, The The Sacrifice-2018) with more content being added every year.

System requirements for iOS

iPhone X S, iPhone X S Max, iPhone X R, iPad 8 1 2, iPad 8 3 4, iPad 8 5 6, iPad 8 7 8, iPad Mini 5, iPad Mini 5 Cellular, iPad Air 3, iPad Air 3 Cellular, iPhone 1 1, iPhone 1 1 Pro, iPhone 1 1 Pro Max, iPhone SE Second Gen, iPad Pro Second Gen, iPad Pro Second Gen Cellular, iPad Pro Fourth Gen, iPad Pro Fourth Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 2 Mini, iPhone 1 2, iPhone 1 2 Pro, iPhone 1 2 Pro Max, iPad Air 4, iPad Air 4 Cellular, iPad Eighth Gen, iPad Eighth Gen Cellular, iPad Pro Third Gen, iPad Pro Third Gen Cellular, iPad Pro Fifth Gen, iPad Pro Fifth Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 3 Pro, iPhone 1 3 Pro Max, iPhone 1 3 Mini, iPhone 1 3, iPad Mini Sixth Gen, iPad Mini Sixth Gen Cellular, iPad Ninth Gen, iPad Ninth Gen Cellular, iPhone SE Third Gen, iPad Air Fifth Gen, iPad Air Fifth Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 4, iPhone 1 4 Plus, iPhone 1 4 Pro, iPhone 1 4 Pro Max, iPad Tenth Gen, iPad Tenth Gen Cellular, iPad Pro 1 1 Fourth Gen, iPad Pro 1 1 Fourth Gen Cellular, iPad Pro Sixth Gen, iPad Pro Sixth Gen Cellular, iPhone 1 5, iPhone 1 5 Plus, iPhone 1 5 Pro, iPhone 1 5 Pro Max

System requirements for Xbox Series S/X

System requirements for PlayStation 5

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-Bit (32-bit not supported) Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo e6400 or AMD Athlon x64 4000+ (~2.2Ghz dual core CPU) Memory: 4 GB System RAM. Graphics: DirectX 10+ compatible video card. Hard Drive: 35 GB free HD space.
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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

Where to buy

App Store
Epic Games
PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store

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    Warframe reviews and comments

    Want to buy something but broke as hell? Spend a few hundred hours and you'll get it 😉..... Probably 
    «Can’t stop playing»
    I don't know why I like this game. It's a mind-numbing grind through and through, and the free to play model definitely puts a damper on things. But even with all that, I still enjoy my time with Warframe. Is it the builds, breadth of content, or the satisfaction of chipping away at the game? I don't know. But I find myself enjoying Warframe whenever I jump back in. And if you're new, brace yourself for the brick wall that you're gonna face and be sure to have a second monitor with the wiki open. The new player experience has improved, but I wouldn't say that it's good.
    «Can’t stop playing»
    «Sit back and relax»
    Thousands of hours of content and not a single moment they ask for your money, countless hours of fun braking the game and feeling that euphoric hit after hour long survival runs really never runs dry, burnout can be a huge issue tho but analysing the game on its own it's without a doubt a masterpiece.
    its free to play, so like give it a shot, a lot of people like it, but it didn't grip me at all.
    warframe isnt a bad game by nature, it s just his design who make it bad. Having a looter shooter free2plai is feasable destiny does it but in the case of digital extreme the challenge is so much higher cause of the nice fonction of the game: the mod. In this looter shooter u can attach one mod to every weapon u want, mod had modifier on certain stats who will make u abble to progress the enormous content awaiting for u. This hunt for mod is fun the first 50 hour but while continuing playing u see something u cant believe. And it s true this game have no end game u are way too powerfull for nearly all the content, it s just supid grind and dev know it cause after 7 year of existence they add booster like double xp .... on the store. Lot of people love the game and u can understand cause the game have good time but u will quickly see that except good time it s just stupid lazzy farming. Just to point i have 700 hour on the game
    «Buggy as hell»
    «Waste of time»
    The best i`ve ever play!
    «Can’t stop playing»
    8/10 - Great MMO game, with superb graphics.
    «Can’t stop playing»
    «Liked before it became a hit»
    Warframe's gameplay is smooth as hell, but that's not enough to make up for its shortcomings in pretty much every other area. Forced wait times to "build" items, unlocks and quests requiring you to grind out repretitive missions, its murky UI, and its progression system all could have been hand-waved away if it weren't for the final wall to your progression: a pitifully low inventory limit that requires you to use the game's premium currency (purchasable only with real money) to increase it.
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    Microsoft from Deutsch
    Nabend ladies and ring for The first Time ES IS ES WERT! I played from the Game vllt just under 15% and played 4-8 hours most of the time I spent it flying, floating, swimming, gliding, drifting under water however you call it and looking around The sound the soundset HAMMER. The control I have to say a cream cake it feels so clean and gentle that you no longer want to give the controller out of hand. I would like more this type of KUNST you can switch off and let it really be tiled In hat. Short Facts, It makes you feel IT relaxed it makes SPASS and it fits everything I love it does everything right and I certainly have 80% still in front of me what is coming and what I am where on a earth? Or water planets other planets? I have No idea but I like it is mysterious and so mysterious today it was a good day in the sun night.
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    Microsoft from Deutsch
    One of the best, gossip, the best Free2Play Game ever. Support is great before you get tired of the Game, zack has suddenly been added free ne whole new Open World (Now the second!). The Finalization model is great and is looking for its same, you have the Possibility to get faster with Items or Cosmetics (#fashionframe) by Purchasing so-called platinum (premium currency), but the Leveling of the Weapons always takes the same time, as well as the Championship Rank (Accountrang). In addition, this does not give you any Advantages, since everyone is limited to their Rank and most weapon/warframes, grade in the Initial Range, are all great and you play together anyway. Trading allows you to Get Platinum Quickly if something is needed. Everything is earnable without Premium Currency (with the Exception of Cosmetics = > Trading). Now to the Community, I've never seen such a friendly Community, grade at the Beginning I was able to ask such stupid Questions and always got nice Answers from numerous others. Therefore 10/10. Tip: Just give it a try, after all, it costs nothing if you get stuck: Even Guilt;)
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