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The Darkness II

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With a gap of five years, Darkness II is a sequel for the first part of the franchise following the story of James Estacado. After becoming the don of the Franchetti family, he still fights the fact that his girlfriend Jenny died in the first game and fighting against the Darkness itself. Things turn pretty bad when a group of attackers catch James and his men off guard in a restaurant. Being severely injured he still refuses this powers even if they save them. The attack doesn't end so fast, and after an explosion, James is left to bleed out and die. James gives up and embraces the Darkness fighting off his attackers and begins his fight with the Brotherhood and his own sanity.

The core feature of the game is to control the tendrils. Being Darknesses spawns, two tendrils will help the player to fight off his enemies. You can execute people, throw them around and throw things at them. Also, you can use it to merely attack or defend yourself in any fighting situation. In case you will want to do the campaign with your friends, the game gives you Vendetass. The plot of it follows four hitmen from Jackie's family to stop the mysterious Brotherhood.

Release date
Digital Extremes
2K Games
Age rating
17+ Mature
Other games in the series

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo processor
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 10 GB free
  • Video Memory: 256MB
  • Video Card: AMD HD2600 / Nvidia 9600GT with at least 256 MB VRAM
  • Additional: Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for Steam authentication; software installations required (included with the game) include Steam Client for Mac OS X.
  • OS: Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i Series processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM or higher
  • Hard Disk Space: 10 GB free
  • Video Memory: 512+ MB
  • Video Card: AMD HD4870 with at least 512 MB VRAM

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 @ 2GHz / AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
  • Memory: 1.5GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 10GB
  • Video Card: 256MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600 / ATI Radeon HD 2600
  • Sound: DirectX Compatible
  • Additional: Requires installation of Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, DirectX and nVidia PhysX version 9.11.1107 (included with download)
  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: 2.4 GHz Quad Core processor
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 10GB
  • Video Card: 512+ MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX
  • Sound: DirectX Compatible
  • Additional: Requires installation of Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable, DirectX and nVidia PhysX version 9.11.1107 (included with download)

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for Xbox One

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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

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    The Darkness II reviews and comments

    📜The sequel to the console shooter "The Darkness", forgotten on the Xbox 360/PS3, turned out to be far from as talented, but quite an acceptable, the game even tries to somehow transfer all the features of the original into its more formulaic, but very cheerful, "not letting you get bored" shooter formula, of course, the microscopic lenght of the campaign plays a role here, cut down in favor of the gameplay castrated multiplayer mode, but all these are typical mistakes of publishers of that time, more surprising was that the development was entrusted to "Digital Extremes" - for a minute the former developers of the Unreal Tournament series, Now in order, probably no one will argue that the new dynamic pace and corridor arenas benefited the core gameplay feature with tentacles that rip enemies to pieces, with a la "fatality" finishing moves, now there is the ability to grab objects of the environment and use them as bombs, spears, or even a shield. You can also summon a swarm that saves you in close combat, or, on the contrary, throw a "black hole" at distant enemies, and all this is flavored with a simple upgrading system, "darkness points" that accumulate for cool kills we spend on improving the effectiveness of our magic. But at the same time, the ability to "shadow" enhance weapons was castrated and now don`t change their shape, as well as the system of goblin allies, in the original there were several classes (for example, a kamikaze goblin or a machine gunner), we could call them in certain places as support, but, basically, these were scripted sections, and there was very little maneuver for the use of some tactics, so in the sequel devs decided to simplify the "Darkling" to a guide independent of us, with the exception of a couple of boring stealth sections, where we are given his role to crawl to some switch.. Well, and in multiplayer mode, one of the characters has the ability to call many goblins if he has dark "mana".
    But the most offensive cut is the ability to control the snake-hand yourself and crawl through places inaccessible to humans to open a door for the main character, or just bite all the enemies behind the wall, here you will never be offered such an opportunity, and every fan will notice it. At the same time, they left two hands-shooting with alternating any types of guns, although it was a console atavism.. in the sense that in the 1st Darkness it was impossible to aim at all, even with a one-handed weapon (while shooting mechanic was still extremely cool).
    Here we have a classic PC shooter that doesn`t provide the same challenge, but this is compensated by the ability mechanics. BUT, as before, we cannot be in the dark for a long time, and sitting in cover for a long time will not work either, there is no auto-replenishment of life, which balances the game well,forcing you to act quickly and close the distance with your enemies, eating the hearts of the already defeated for the sake of healing and the ability to continue an intense fight. It will take more than one hour to master all the mechanics of the game, but 10 hours of such gameplay will definitely get boring, so I'm even glad that the game ends in 1-2 sittings, by the way, the enemies began to react to hits, which is a significant plus of the battles in the sequel,
    Well, now to the weak points - oddly enough, with all my love for `cel-shading` - this is the visual component of "The Darkness 2", the game is not pleasing to the eye at all, and in 2025 it already looks like something an indie dev could make on Unity, this is good only in terms of reducing the intensity of the cruelty of the game, because the atmosphere of the original game was incredibly heavy and downright oppressive, walking and eating people sometimes was just sickening. But the new "more comics" update has had a negative impact on the gameplay!Because with such colorfulness it`s impossible to understand when you are standing under the light of a lamp or a spotlight that doesn`t allow you to use the "darkness" abilities, only a plate popping up from above saves you, but come on, I want to see dark places intuitively.. And not get mad every time that I ran in the wrong place to shoot back. And yes, you can shoot light bulbs, like in 1 part, but for balance they also added indestructible lamps and spotlights connected to generators, as well as enemies with portable spotlights.
    Well, and the weakest side of the game (despite the description) is, of course, the plot, yes, the ending in the first Darkness was too cliched, and the main missions were just assignments from the mafia, for whom we worked.. But the basis of the story, which happened in the first hours was very catchy, in combination with the lyrical melody that played every time we found ourselves in the hub-metro.. and this was also cut here! Yes, in 2007`s game we had almost an open world, where we had to find our own way to the street where our mission was located.. yes, there were only 2 stations.. But how many soul was in all this.. "Starbreeze" made features like phone calls or side quests from passers-by were.. And there was also a whole alternative world of "afterlife" with also a little backtracking,
    But in TD2 we can only take a break in Jackie's new mafia mansion (we became the head of all gang heads), you will only be offered to exchange a couple of phrases with subordinates, shoot crows for a record, and listen to the stories of a madman about cursed relics found on the levels, well, at least thanks for this, alas, it's far from the original, but still nice that they tried to transfer at least some of the vibe. And in the new "afterlife" we have a scripted madhouse, in which everyone is trying to convince us that this is actually the real world, but it's so obvious that it is not, that even at the end of this plot line with maximum tension I didn`t doubt for a second where reality was (for example, remember Alan Wake 1, where Dr. Hartman was more tense), so I don't know why there is so much plot here at all, when all this was quite distracting and slowed down the pace of the game too much. And I didn't like the open ending, in which they used the girl who died in the first part, well, the only thing, maybe.. the cutscenes here are sometimes more stylish, although still.. remember how cool Jackie's loading screen lines were back in 2007, they can't be beat. By the way, the retelling of events of original is very bad here, I really strongly advise you to play the 1st Darkness yourself, it's still available even on backward compatibility on Xbox Series.

    p.s. Multiplayer still works, it's a separate campaign "Vendetta" for 1.5 hours, with a bunch of side quests and replaying the same thing, but due to the lack of tentacle abilities it gets boring incredibly quickly, you are simply given a second hand, for example, a magic staff or axe, and accordingly upgrades for it, alas, is not worth much attention.

    😊 𝗦𝘂𝗯 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺`𝘀 𝗖𝘂𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿`𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/41977550
    Сиквел консольного шутера "The Darkness", забытого на Xbox 360/PS3, получился далеко не таким талантливым, но вполне себе приемлемым продолжением, даже попытавшимся хоть как-то перенести все черты оригинала в свою более шаблонно-шутерную, но зато очень бодрую, не дающую заскучать формулу, тут конечно играет роль и микроскопическая продолжительность кампании, урезанная в угоду геймплейно кастрированному мультиплеерному режиму, но всё это типичные ошибки издательств того времени, больше удивило, что разработку поручили "Digital Extremes" - на минточку бывшим разрабам серии Unreal Tournament,
    Теперь по порядку, наверное никто не поспорит, что новый динамичный темп и коридорные арены пошли на пользу главной геймплейной фиче с разрывающими на куски врагов щупальцами, есть добивания аля "фаталити", теперь есть возможность хватать предметы окружения и использовать их как бомбы, копья, или даже щит. Также можно вызывать рой, спасающий в ближнем бою, или наоборот кинуть в дальних противников "чёрную дыру", и всё это сдобрено простенькой системой прокачки, "очки тьмы" копящиеся за крутые убийства мы тратим на улучшение эффективности нашей магии. Но при этом кастрации подверглась способность "теневого" усиления оружия, которое теперь не меняет свою форму, а также система союзников-гоблинов, в оригинале их было несколько классов (например, гоблин-камикадзе или -пулемётчик), мы могли вызывать их в определёных местах, как поддержку, но, в основном, это были заскриптованные секции, и было крайне мало манёвра для применений какой-то тактики, поэтому в сиквеле решили упростить "Дарклинга" до независящего от нас гида, за исключением пары скучных стелс-секций, где нам дают в его ролли проползти до какого-то переключателя.. ну и ещё в мультиплеерном режиме у одного из персонажей есть способность вызывать множество гоблинов при наличии "маны". Но самый обидный cut - это способность самому управлять змее-рукой и проползать через недоступные человеку места, чтобы открыть для главного героя дверь, или просто закусать всех врагов за стенкой, тут вам такой возможности ни разу не предложат, и это заметит каждый фанат.
    При этом оставили стрельбу с двух рук с чередованием любых видов пушек, хоть это и было консольным атавизмом.. в том плане, что в 1-ый Даркнесс вообще нельзя было целиться, даже с одноручного оружия (при это стрелять там было всё равно крайне кайфово), тут же у нас уже классический пкшный шутан, не предоставляющий того же челленджа, но компенсирующий это механиками способностей. НО, нам как и раньше нельзя долго находиться в темноте, и просидеть долго в укрытии тоже не получится, тут не автовосполнения жизни, что хорошо балансирует игру, заставляя действовать резко и сокращать дистанцию с врагами, съедая сердца уже поверженных для лечения, и возможности продолжать напряжённый бой. Чтобы замастерить все механики игры понадобиться не один час, но и 10 часов такого геймплея точно наскучат, поэтому я даже рад, что игра заканчивается за 1-2 присеста, кстати, враги начали реагировать на попадания в них, что значительный плюс боёв второй части,
    Ну а теперь к слабым сторонам - как ни странно при всей моей любви к `цел-шейдингу` - это визуальная составляющая "The Darkness 2", игра вообще не радует глаз, а в 2025 выглядит уже как то, что инди-разраб сделал за пару дошираков на Unity, это хорошо только в плане уменьшения накала жестокости игры, потому что атмосфера оригинала была невероятно тяжкой и прям давила.. Ходить и жрать людей бывало просто тошно, но обновление сделало плохо для геймплея! Потому что при вот такой вот цветастости вообще невозможно понять когда ты стоишь под светом лампы или прожектора, не позволяющего тебе заюзать способности "тьмы", спасает только вылезающая сверху плашка, но камон, я хочу видеть тёмные места интуитивно.. А не беситься каждый раз, что я не туда побежал отстреливаться. И да, вы можете расстреливать лампочки, как и в 1 части, но для баланса тут также добавили не разрушаемые лампы, и прожектора, подключенные к генераторам, а ещё противников с переносными прожекторами.
    Ну а самая слабая сторона (несмотря на описание) - это, конечно сюжет, да, концовка в перйо части была слишком клишированной, а основные задания были просто поручениями от мафии, на которую мы работали.. Но основа - базис сюжета, происходивший в первые часы очень цеплял, в совокупности ещё с с лирической мелодией, которая играла каждый раз когда мы оказывались в хабе-метро, и это тут тоже вырезали! Да, в 2007 году у нас был чуть ли не открытый мир, где мы должны сами искать путь к улице, на которой находиться наше задание.. да, там были только 2 станции.. Но сколько же в игре от "Strabreeze" было души и всяких фишек типо телефонных звонков или сайд-квестамов от прохожих.. И там ещё был целый альтернативный мир "посмертия" тоже с небольшим бэктрекингом,
    А вот в "The Darkness 2" же мы можем передохнуть лишь в новом мафиозном особняке Джеки (мы стали главой всех глав банд), вам предложат лишь перекинуться парой фраз с подчинёнными, пострелять ворон на время, и послушать истории сумасшедшего про найденные на уровнях проклятые реликвии, ну,спасибо хоть на этом, увы далеко не тоже самое, но приятно, что попытались хоть какой-то вайб перенести. А в новом "посмертии" у нас заскриптованный сумасшедший дом, в котором все нас пытаются убедить, что это на самом деле и есть реальный мир, но настолько очевидно , что нет, что даже в концовке этой сюжетной ветки с максимальным накалом страстей я ни на секунду не засомневался где реальность (при этом можно вспомнить Alan Wake 1, где доктор Хартман внушал), так что не знаю зачем тут вообще столько сюжета, когда всё это скорее отвлекало и сильно тормозило темп игры. И мне не понравился открытый финал, в котором использовали умершую в первой части девушку, ну вот единственное.. Заставки тут иногда стилёвее срежиссированы, хотя ухх какие же крутые реплики Джеки в загрузках были раньше, их уже не переплюнуть.
    Кстати.. в начале игры очень плохой пересказ событий, я реально настоятельно советую как-то самим поиграть в 1-ую Даркнесс, вон он даже на обратной совместимости на Xbox Series доступен до сих пор.

    p.s. Не играйте на русском, озвучка ужасна, что по качеству, что по липсинку.
    p.p.s Мультиплеер до сих пор работает, это отдельная кампания "Вендетта" на 1,5 часа, с кучей ещё побочных заданий и перепрохождения одного и тоже, но в виду отсутствия способностей щупалец он надоедает невероятно быстро, вам просто даётся во вторую руку, например волшебный посох, и соответсвенно прокачка под него, увы, особого внимания не стоит.
    😊 Поддержка подпиской: https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37365104
    A bit short but still a better story then 95% of all Call of Duty Storylines. I even gonna get myself the 1st part after this one and definitely hope for a 3rd. The gun-play and the ideas of this game are really refreshing.

    Translated by
    Microsoft from Deutsch
    Every Minute!!! If you buy the Game and you can buy it on DE-Steam!!!: Go To the DLC list immediately and make out Low Violence! THIS SPIEL IS ONE MAL RIGHT GEIL FROM ME an absolute Buy recommendation in a Sale or via Bundle (where I got it from) I got this Game in a Bundle because I thought the screenshot really didn't look bad ... Well after that it was dormant in my Picture library for quite a while until I finally became aware of the Sale. It's a really really good Game, I never expected it to be that good and which, in addition to the satisfying gore effects and interesting Idea with the extra Arms, I really liked the Plot. I haven't seen such a good Ending in a long time, the same is how I imagine it. Cut it is only half as much Fun, I almost didn't want to keep playing even before anyone alerted me, because it just looks inrealistic when you throw a Saw blade very tightly and just hurl the Opponent away instead of throwing it away in 2 Allocate. 10/10 (if in the Sale)
    Translated by
    Microsoft from Deutsch
    I have to say The Darkness II has really positively over-inspired me! Back then on the PS3 I tried a Demo of it, but with the Weapons and Tentacles I was cluttered to the Controls on the Gamepad, which works very well with the Mouse and Keyboard. The Story was what surprised me the most, it's very well written and especially later in the Game you're never so sure if all the events are real or just a Conceit or what's real About it or a Conceit or whether both are real and a Conceit is od He none of them ... ahhh ... Well, the Game has its own twisted Charm, especially through the Artifacts you find and the Information about it and because some are somewhat moved. The Graphic Style is like being in a Comic, so thick black Strokes around the Edges of the Characters, guns are just everywhere, similar to Borderlands 1 and 2 The Gameplay with the Firearms is so icy. Like any other First-person shooter, only that there are not many Weapons, but through the Demons poor their Execution Possibilities, and types Of interaction come into a lot of variety and Also with the Opponents they bring again and again new Challenges and Tactics emerge. The Co-Op mode brings four new Characters their own Tasks and have a Story with them, and all four Characters have special Features and part of Jacky'S Abilities, in addition to having some special Weapons like a katana. You can complete these Misions alone or just as mentioned in the Co-Op. On the normal Level of difficulty, the Game is quite well balanced and also People who want a Challenge find it here, even if you want to do all the Secrets and Achievements is busy for some Time. All in all, I can recommend the Game without considering, but only in uncut as the cut version is really badly affected and far from different as is possible.
    I was NOT expecting what I got. I had never played the first Darkness game and I got this in a Humble Bundle ages ago so I went in blind. What I ended up getting was a supernatural mafia shooter game with snakes and british farting demons. This game has major charm. The shooting is extremely smooth and with the Darkness snakes alongside you, you're able to get creative with how you kill. You can pick up a pool stick and impale the enemy against the wall or lift them up and throw them into their friend, knocking them down and getting and easy double kill. You can also simply rip them in half then tear their heart out for combat upgrades. I could go on and on about how you can kill them, but that would take ages. The combat isn't the only great thing about this game. The story places Jackie Estacado, the leader of a mafia of sorts in a war with a supernatural cult who wants to steal the Darkness from him and use it for their own goals. The Darkness is an ancient entity of great power that doesn't always have the same goals as Jackie and so it serves as both a protagonist and an antagonist. Jackie's girlfriend since childhood Jenny was murdered by his uncle in the previous game and so in The Darkness 2 he experiences the mental aspects of losing the only person he's close to and questioning if he's going insane as he one day wakes up in a mental asylum with Jenny herself as his nurse. He fights to figure out what is real and what isn't in this action packed psychological horror shooter. I've played it more than 3 times through.
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