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Pato Box

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Pato Box is an adventure/fighting game inspired by the “Punch-Out!!” series, taking place in the building of a corrupt corporation named Deathflock. You play as Patobox, a boxing champion with a special distinction of having a duck’s head on a man’s body. He has been betrayed by members of Deathflock, the same company that has been sponsoring him during his career. Patobox will find retribution by hunting down Deathflock’s henchmen while discovering the dark secrets the company hides and the truth behind his treason one fight at a time. The world of Pato Box is full of mysteries and strange characters that will make you wonder if everything is just a dream. Learn more about the world just as if you were reading a graphic novel! Pato box is made for people that love a mystery and want to play and experience something different.Features
-Using boxing techniques find and fight 7 different bosses with unique abilities and mechanics. Learn everything about those bosses before you engage them by exploring Deathflock’s headquarters and get ready for really challenging fights that will test your reflexes and abilities as a boxing duck!
-Innovative visual proposal, inspired by graphic novels and comics.
-2D Art mixed with a 3D world that feels just as you where inside a comic book.
-Interactive dialogues. Learn more about Deathflock and Patobox by talking to members of the organization and reveal their dark secrets, what is Deathflock hiding and what it means to our hero Patobox?
-A story full of mistery and intrigue where the player will find the secret behind the betrayal of Patobox.
-Explore a world full of traps and mini games.
-Hidden collectables to expand the story. Reveal the darkest secrets of the game by reading special documents with more information about the background of the members of Deathflock and even Patobox himself!
Release date
2think design studio
Desarrollo Bromio
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core i5
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 3 GB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: Yosemite
  • Processor: Core i5
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 5000
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
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Last Modified: Sep 15, 2021

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store
Epic Games

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Pato Box reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Episode of our Curator page: GGC-Curations If you like this Review and you want to hear our Opinion about other Games A Combination of punch out and a Blach & White comic boxing Will return your Honor as a Duck-human hybrid and lever A Crime Syndicate from, in Pato Box; A Mix of the Classic Punch Out and a Black & White Comic. Summary Points (max. 100) Story Ordinary 80 gameplay Challenging 75 Graphics Artistic 95 Music Arcademic 75 Conclusion Entertaining 80 The Spielekey was provided to the GGC Curations for free Story Story You play Pato, the Duck Pato Box, a famous Athletes, to be more precise, a very well-known Boxer Duck. You're facing your biggest Boxing Match, the first Round is going smoothly, but the next One you're mysteriously going knockout and landing on the Road right after that. Now driven by Retaliation, you are looking for the Person Responsible for it, boxing your way through the world, rather speaking to the Skyscraper, and taking on an entire Crime Syndicate. [/i] The Game cuts a good Figure in giving a meaningful Story to an Arcade Game while not neglecting the Game principle. [/i] Gameplay The Game provides two different Game Modes, the Story-and the Arcademodus. However, in Order to unlock all Enemies in Arcademodus, they must have been released at the Beginning of the Story. The Story is set exclusively in the Deathflock skyscraper. There, Pato can move freely, Destroying many Objects with his harrowing blows. For each Opponent, there is one Floor, which is, for example, an entire Casino or simply the Sewer system. In total, there are 7 Opponents Pato can box against. Everyone with different Fighting Styles and Techniques. The Fights consist of three Rounds, with each Round the Fight becomes more demanding and you have to be able to interpret the Fighting Patterns of the Opponents better and better. The Fights are challenging but not unfair. Unfortunately, there are no Levels of difficulty for the Fights, but the Fights are well balanced. The Control consists of only 6 Buttons with the WASD-/arrow buttons for Control by the World, as well as the Movement in Combat. You can constantly dodge boxing, but you will never win a Fight with it. Strikes are executed with X and Z. The Control is simple, the only Problem can be that the key Assignment Cannot be applied. X and Z are not close to each other when it comes to German Keyboard assignment and so the Controls feel in need of getting used to. Graphics What catches the Eye is that the Game uses only the "Colors" black and White. As a result, the whole Event receives an epic Touch and the Boundaries of Good and Evil are much more present. The Implementation of the three-dimensional spatial Structure is based on its Implementation in the 1990s (see DOOM). The Characters are two-dimensional and spin with the Camera, the Walls are flat and show no Depths. While Playing, it feels like you've fallen into the World of a black/white comic. Many Games try to score with their high-resolution Graphics, but it can be done differently. Pato Box is the best Example of this, it may be very gloomy, but compositionally it is already in the Direction of a Work of Art. Music The Background Music at the Boxing Matches lifts the Tension in the Fights and there is a discernible difference in the Musical Background between the Fights and while Traversing the skyscraper as well as the individual Floors, the Theme of which is also due to the Music is reflected. The musical Accompaniment is not a Masterpiece, but fits the Game's Arca-style. Unfortunately, Just like the Keyboard handle, the Volume cannot be adjusted. Personal Conclusion The Developers of Pato Box have been very focused on the Classic Punch Out And yet created something completely unique: An arcade boxing Game with Story and an incredibly appealing Art style. It's both entertaining and challenging and therefore quite a shame that this Game gets so little Attention. For Questions around the Game and the Review, I am available in the Comments. If you like to receive this Review, follow our Review Program.
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