Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus

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The Final Confrontation Against The Dark Lord!

Phantasie III: The Wrath of Nikademus is much more than a sequel to the bestselling Phantasie™ and Phantasie II™. It is a fantasy adventure game far greater in scope, complexity, and challenge.
This time, the Dark Lord Nikademus has set his evil sights on conquering — not only an island — but the entire world!

He must be stopped, and you've been chosen to undertake this difficult and dangerous quest. Assemble and guide a band of six brave souls (human and other-wise) to search for and destroy Nikademus.

Your group will traverse an entire continent, battling the Dark Lord's ugly hordes and exploring dungeons for clues that will ultimately lead you to Nikademus — and to the Final Confrontation.
Travel to the astral Planes of Light and Darkness where you will meet some of the most powerful beings that inhabit the Phantasie Universe — including the legendary Lord Wood. From these encounters, you hope to gain the knowledge and power with which to destroy the Dark Lord.

This pivotal game boasts a number of new and improved features. Bows and arrows and ever more potent spells have been added to the long list of weapons. During combat, you can move each character to the front, middle, or back of the party. You can also aim your spells at different ranks of the enemy. You determine which skills an individual character should improve on as he gains experience. Wounds are specified by body location and extent of injury.

You'll enjoy the enhanced graphics display of characters and monsters, and the increased speed of play as you travel across the wilderness and dungeons.

If you've played either Phantasie or Phantasie II, you can use the same set of characters in this game. Of course, you are always free to create new characters.

Judged as either a sequel to one of the most successful fantasy series or as a complete game in its own right, The Wrath of Nikademus promises a spell-binding storyline with enough twists and turns to satisfy your wildest fantasies!

Release date
Strategic Simulations
Westwood Associates
Strategic Simulations, StarCraft, Quest/BothTec
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Atari ST

System requirements for Apple II

System requirements for Commodore / Amiga

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Last Modified: Feb 8, 2023

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