Possession Preview
Preview version of Possession. Play through three full levels of the final game.
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Keep up with Possession at possessiongame.com!
Features of full game:
Dozens of possessable monsters, from the horrifying to the hilarious, with a wide variety of powers.
Special themed levels with unique hazards, creatures and layouts. Randomly generated, so each playthrough is different!
Item-less gameplay. The dead have no need for worldly possessions, they just slow you down.
Quick to pick up and play. Unlike most roguelikes, Possession 2 doesn't require you to memorize dozens of weird key commands, or puzzle over confusing skill and ability lists before you start playing.
Entirely playable with just the keyboard, just the mouse, or a combination of the two.
Mod support! Add your own creatures, powers and special levels, or change the ones already there.
@ Choice between ASCII or Graphical mode, for the oldschool roguelike fans.