Ryder: The Deserter
Brief description of the game:
In Ryder: The Deserter, players join Ryder, a secret agent with the ability to control objects, such as vehicles and rockets, and even enemies!
Platformers generally rely on running and jumping, but Ryder features fast-paced levels in which you’ll be dodging, shooting and even riding enemies and obstacles, to take control of them!
Along with all these elements of gameplay comes a deep story of conspiracy and desertion, set in a retro-futuristic, post-apocalyptic world.
Key Features:
- Quick gameplay: It’s easy to die, but also easy to retry!
- A challenging game with no unfair difficulty
- Classic and fun platformer controls: Jump, Double jump and Wall climb
- Ride your bike, rockets and turrets, and other type of enemies to shoot and to use them as jetpacks.
- Alternative challenges in every level: Optional collectable coins and minigames
- TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Elhd1lTW2oA