Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice reviews


The game is done very well, in the best traditions from software the world of the game is seamless, you can always find a place to see the places that you have already been or will visit, this is very cool. The game has good combat mechanics, and finally a full-fledged storyline and overall the product is extremely good, but would not deserve an Exceptional rating if not for its hardcore nature. The game makes you suffer and learn from mistakes, which is sometimes lacking in modern games.
I can see this is a very good game, but most of the time while playing I kept thinking what an exceptionally good game Bloodborne is. Playing Bloodborne I never felt cheated or anything, but with Sekiro I felt screwed over time and time again and the game somehow seems less polished. It definitely is very pretty and when you get the combat down it feels quite satisfying, but I'm at the final boss now and I think I'm gonna quit. I've defeated a lot of tough bosses and I'm satisfied. Maybe I'll try in a little while. 

Try the game (it IS good!), but borrow it from someone, make sure you can refund or buy at a discount, because odds are it's not your thing. 

I’m editing this a couple of months later, after I’d restarted my playthrough and just finished the game for the first time. 
Most of what I said still stands, though I view the game in a more positive light. It is a very, very good game! I like it a lot better than Dark Souls 3 (which I do like!), but not as much as Bloodborne, but I do find Sekiro to be overall a more frustrating experience than the other two games. 
Sekiro Shadow Die A LOT is one of the best gaming experiences I have had till date, it easily reaches my top 5 of most satisfying games.
The combat is hands down fluid responsive and perfect ,you truly feel like a true shinobi fighting against everything , master the parry and enjoy the journey .
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
Having played the other Soulsborne games, one thing you have to remember is that this game deviates quite a bit from them. Yes, the open level designs are still present, as well as the notoriously hard fights, but this game feels like it took that formula and breathed some fresh air into it, and then made it its own thing. It's truly unique in that sense.

I personally liked the gameplay in Sekiro the most out of all the games. There's heavier emphasis on stealth, and when fights are needed the player has to consider fighting like an actual swordsman rather than utilizing brute strength over the entire game. No longer can you roll out of the way of attacks, and instead you'd have to face them head on and consider the timing of your own strikes. The resurrection system may seem overpowered on the box, but getting that second chance in life is 1) limited, and 2) a waste unless you can figure out enemy fights. Boss fights are fun and challenging, and I can't think of a fight where I felt disappointed - even the Folding Screen Monkey fight was interesting in that it was unique from the other bossfights on its own. I never felt the game was unfair in any way, and it allowed just enough variety that I could approach fights in my own style, despite not having a range of weapons to pick from like in Dark Souls.

The story is more opaque compared to the other Soulsborne games, though I think in doing so we are able to feel a bit more attachment to the characters. It still has the same sense of worldbuilding as previous Soulsborne games, but I think they were able to flesh things out more with cutscenes featuring the characters. The story is nothing to write home about, but I did feel sad at one of the endings as the previous course of the game I had grown attached to the characters, something I can't say the same about for the other games from FromSoft.

What can I say about the art and music other than it's a 10/10?

This game is great and highly recommended if you're into challenging games, or you're like me and want to git gud.
Sekiro is that perfect blend between a popular format you know you love, but with enough fresh twists to feel totally new. While it shares many aspects with other From Software games, it still feels distinctly different.  I'll never forget the rush of satisfaction after landing the first Parry, as the camera swirls in to setup the deathblow. 

(One day I'll go back and finish the final boss, but I loved the journey there so much anyway it hardly matters) 
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
Awesome game!
the dificult only make it better
«Constantly dying and enjoy it»
you don't need shitty multiplayer to make a great game
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
one of the rare games to succeed when going wide and tall - there are a multitude of viable ways to approach each situation, and each option is varied and well thought out. the controls are tight, the animations beautiful, and the scenery breathtaking.
Favorite Thing: It's a great game in the Souls genre. It's nice having a story without having to read every speck of dirt. Least Favorite Thing: They went way overboard on the difficulty. Sucks the fun right out of it at times.

Date Completed: 2019-12-27
Playtime: 39h
Enjoyment: 9/10
Recommendation: It's a blast, though the difficulty can make it unfun at times.
I don't know what else to say except, magnificent. This game is every bit as good as I had hoped it would be. FromSoft does it again, not that I doubted them. This game is incredible. It's the toughest fucking game I've ever beaten, the last boss is probably the most difficult and definitely took the longest for me to overcome. I think this game was a big "Oh you think you know our style? Fuck you, take this." To FromSoft fans because I went in as someone who had beaten Souls games and Bloodborne countless times and was humbled when I got my ass handed to me again and again. The music is good, the graphics are good, the bosses are incredible, and the game itself is, in my opinion, nearly flawless. Easy 9/10 Imo.

+ Unique combat system to differentiate from Souls
+ Extremely demanding (and ultimately rewarding)
+ Level design (grapple encourages verticality)
+ Focused experience, minimal fluff

- Uninspired story
- Mediocre enemy design (compare to Soulsbourne)
very engaging combat that rewards the time you've put into practicing it. movement is mostly free and fluid and overall makes for the most fun gameplay out of From Software to date. violent spikes in difficulty, some very questionable/repetitive boss design, bland soundtrack and story, and no character customization hamper this game.