Silent Hill: Welcome Home

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Controls (Use Joy2Key)

X - Start / Confirm   Z - Reload   V - Run   C - Interact / Shoot (when aimed)  B - Aim/FPSview   N - Melee Attack (if equipped)   M - Map (if found)   K - Quick Turn

v 0.01 Token :


Main Theme -

*** Bless this mess, it is held together with paper mache and prayer ***

Welcome to InDenial Game Studio, where we craft the best retro-stylized games and prototypes in the hopes of landing that one game you want us to make.  We generally lean to showcase games that never had that appropriate follow up, or show that remaster that never came, all with new modern tech and ideas.  Our independent IP's will generally follow the vein of old gameplay and aesthetics, those CRT classics that are meant to fill in that void of old school gaming nostalgia. 

This game "Silent Hill - Welcome Home", is a visually appealing 3rd person survival horror in the vein of Silent Hill. This version .001 is the debut of the past few months of effort going directly to envisioning the dream, merging known gameplay formulas into one distinct experience you won't find anywhere else.  This amazing piece of interactive art is the first "cel" of our 'Survival Horror' NFT portfolio allowing you to claim a one and only experience that everyone else only has 10 minutes for. 

All demos will only unlock the full experience with this one-time NFT pass:

InDenial Prototype Pass V0.01 (1 of 1)

To whoever purchases our NFT .001, it allows you access to all builds of this set from the first going forth, this also allows you to invest in us and succeed with us as we carry forth the ideas we have behind this project. Our lock and key NFT mechanism allows you to drop the timer from the demos we upload here and allows you to play the full version of the experience without restriction.  We are only selling one, so you will be the only person who can access all 5 with your key. We are hoping that in this way, our digital art, and your one of a kind NFT, really can maintain and gain value going forth to become a good investment.

Our builds here are meant to entertain and show our development process from conception, to prototype, to build and testing, then leave it to you, the public to influence our current direction. 

This is the first iteration of our survival horror NFT series, we will host 4 more before making decisions on this project.

Next Iterative phase will contain known bug fixes, more animations, new enemy, new menu for inventory and controls, new NFT .002, new event features, and aesthetic updates.

Known Bugs:

-Moving during cutscenes.

-Melee hit can pop player up in the air which can potentially cause unintended consequences.

- Miscellaneous audio glitches, static sounds.

-Picking up the gun deletes all the previously collected ammo count, ammo bug.

Release date
InDenial Game Studio
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Feb 25, 2022

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