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  • Establish a successful transport company
  • Transport passengers, mail and goods by land, air and water
  • Interconnect cities, districts, public buildings, industries and tourist attractions
  • Control and watch your finances and the traffic of your vehicles and goods
  • Lots of graphics packages to choose from
  • Play with people from anywhere in the world in online games
Multiple Choices
  • Graphics Packages (Paksets)
    In Simutrans you have multiple choices from the beginning to the end. Even before starting the game you have lots of graphics packages to choose from, every pakset giving you a different experience and play style.
  • Vehicles and Cargo
    The success of your company will depend on good planning, and we give you the tools for it. Simutrans can have buses, trucks, trains, trams, ships, airplanes, monorails, maglevs and any other vehicle that goes through air, land or water. Choose them wisely and transport the immense variety of cargo each pakset has to offer, from passengers and mail to raw materials and consumer products.
Dynamic and Intelligent
  • Cargo has Destinations
    Simutrans citizens and products don't simply jump in your vehicles and go to wherever you send them. They actually have individual destinations: people want to check out attractions, go shopping, or visit friends. Products also have their destinations - factories have contracts with each other and they won't sell or buy from anyone else. If you don't give them the possibility to go where they want, they simply won't use your transport company.
  • Complete the Chain
    Transporting products not only gives you money, but makes the economy roll. As you transport products between factories, they start producing and selling. Every factory receiving the materials it needs starts producing new goods letting you connect more and more factories across the region.
  • Influencing Cities
    Your transportation affects city growth. Every unit of anything you transport will affect the nearby cities making them grow and prosper. Sometimes cities will create new attractions and places of interest, which attract a lot more passengers. Or maybe your service may attract new industries, that give you even more opportunities. But not everything you do leads to good things - as cities grow more cars are on the roads, and you will end up trying to deal with the traffic. What you do shapes the future.
Control and Customize
  • Configure All or Nothing
    Simutrans has a lot of configurations that you can customize. If you're not a customization freak, don't worry, generally with a few options Simutrans will fit your play style. But if you are, you'll enjoy all the options and ways to change the game.
  • Build Your World
    When you create a new game, don't expect it to be a fixed world. You can shape the world to suit your needs, build roads, factories, houses, and buildings, raise and lower the terrain, create rivers, lakes, and seas, or beautify the world by planting trees.
How You Play
  • Multiplayer
    Tired of playing alone? Simutrans lets you play multiplayer. You can join a public server and compete and collaborate with people all around the world. You can also play with your friends creating a private online or LAN server.
  • Hardcore or Casual?
    You can challenge yourself in a normal game, trying to make your company successful and rich. Or you can just relax and have some fun playing with no hurry or money, just for your enjoyment and the satisfaction of transporting everything.
CostThis game will be Free on Steam.LanguagesSimutrans offers a range of languages, translated on a volunteer basis. Languages will be listed on the steam page when they reach at least 80% translation of Base Texts, and 65% translation of pak128.History of SimutransSimutrans is an Open Source game developed under the Artistic License.
This game was originally developed by Hansjörg Malthaner from 1997 till 2004, before being handed over the 'The Simutrans Team' in 2005. Since the beginning it has been upgraded and updated.
Release date
The Simutrans Team
Open Source Publishing
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X version 10.7 (Lion), or later.
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection required for network play
  • OS: OS X version 10.7 (Lion), or later.
  • Memory: 2048 MB RAM
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection required for network play

System requirements for Linux

  • Processor: 1 Ghz or faster processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection required for network play
  • Processor: 1 Ghz or faster processor
  • Memory: 2048 MB RAM
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection required for network play

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP or above
  • Processor: 1 Ghz or faster processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection required for network play
  • OS: Windows XP or above
  • Processor: 1 Ghz or faster processor
  • Memory: 2048 MB RAM
  • Storage: 500 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Broadband internet connection required for network play
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 5, 2024

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1 edit
simutrans - highway under construction and the ring road west
Aug 25, 2011
Let's Play SIMUTRANS (in English!) Episode 1
Nov 28, 2013
Simutrans PAK128 - #1 Am Anfang... ( Deutsch HD )
Apr 30, 2014
Simutransで再現 新千歳空港→札幌 快速エアポート(雪景色) JR北海道
Aug 20, 2016
どらぐのふ 鉄道動画/S...
Simutrans - (Transport Management Game)
Nov 20, 2017
Simutrans - The Basics - Part 1
Aug 3, 2012
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42,036 items
Die Brücke ist nicht frei!
Awarded for attempting to remove a bridge with a convoy still present
[P192C] Suck a tentacle
Retrieve a few boatloads of ink from a giant Kraken
Play Pak192.Comic
Trains and comics get along together!
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3 items

Simutrans reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I played Simutrans before the Steam Release. I think it's a very good Transport Game, even if it's certainly not suitable for the general Public. The Graphics are already in need of getting used to. I would describe them as functional. Simutrans differs in a few Points from the usual Transport Games. On the one hand, the Raw Materials cannot be transported from a Producer to the Consumer. Each Provider has a specific Buyer. Secondly, you have to make sure that the entire Production Chain works. When a Customer's Warehouse is full, he no longer takes anything off and the Transport Chain comes to stand. What you also need to consider are the differences in the Paks. They differ not only in Appearance, but also in game Mechanics. Here you have to try what you like. At the End of me 2 Tips: 1) check out some Let's Plays (E.g. Tomdotio) you can learn a lot and avoid the first rough Mistakes;) 2) Depending on the Pak, pay attention to the Boni/Mali of each Item. These are Speed Dependent and have a significant Influence on the Yields of your Routes!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Simutrans + Very many Different Goods (therefore very complex) + Free and Without Advertising + tram runs in the Middle and does not block road vehicles + operating Costs per Km (In the Case of the Railways you pay per Axle and Km as Tolls) + Multiplayer + Industrial Contracts (deduction and Accentrers bound) + Maintenance Costs-No Control of (ab-) loading goods in combo with Industries distribute the Goods to all Contractors results in total confusion (Said: A-> B-> C; A-> D-> E, Is: A B D C E)-Tram is single track like Train and Waiting until the Path is clear-overtaking almost impossible (Chris Sawyer's Locomotion has best implementation which also works for several Vehicles in a row)-No Distribution of the Vehicles of a Line (due to lack of overtaking quickly: "All in a Row , "crowded stops and then empty)-Balancing not always good, Pakset dependent! (Some Outliers like a Steam locomotive that devours 72€/km but can only pull 3 waggons which can only take max the half again)-Operating Costs only per Km (what about the Drivers, cost the nix?)-Stop only via Detour with open Timetable-Not enough Electricity around all Industri en to supply-No Inflation-"Trial and Error" Scenarien (Workshop Tutorial)-Industries do not increase (multiplier only with Electricity and People) Pakset Change the Place or history with other Means of transport (Balancing) and Early Years (When first Vehicles or Industie appears), as well as the Appearance of Simutrans Extended more realistic Gaming experience + Euclidean distance (Manhattan Distance at Simutrans) + monthly maintenance costs & km Operating Costs for Vehicles + everything has maintenance Costs + Paths with max Axle load, Stamina and Renewal costs + large Station Coverage (but Footpath is calculated) + autoload last save-only two 128.paks meanwhile (GBR and SWE)-only nightly (via updater available)-bugs: * userdata save crash; Workdir save funkt * Display settings are reseded every time
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