Average Playtime: 1 hour

Soko Loco Deluxe

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Soko Loco is a transport strategy game.

Collect wood, stone and steel to expand your empire, feed towns to grow population and streamline your production process to build a giant monument! The more efficient your systems, the faster your world can grow.

In the game, you'll build tracks, drag trains, build lumber camps, assign workers and make train schedules. Building infrastructure costs resources and cities need bread to produce workers - a careful allocation of income and strategic thinking will be needed to complete your goals!

  • Campaign of 4 levels
  • 4 additional challenge levels
  • Randomly generated terrain
  • Custom map/scenario editor
  • Cities and population growth
  • Tunnels, bridges, gates and signals
  • 8 types of cargo
  • Record timers and high-scores

After the campaign, you'll unlock challenge mode, which provides 4 real tests of trackbuilding to the more seasoned players. However, because the maps are randomly generated, there's a lot of replay value in trying to best your score on the final level, or trying different playstyles to complete all the achievements. For more laid-back people, there's the level editor, which lets you make your own maps and scenarios - create some real challenge for yourself or your friends, and build anything you like!

Soko Loco is for veteran train sim fans and newcomers alike, putting the best of train simulators in a relatively easy-to-understand game, while managing 4 types of resources means more challenge than most traditional simulators have to offer. Happy building!
Release date
Sokpop Collective
Sokpop Collective
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Minimale :
  • Système d'exploitation : Windows 7
  • Processeur : Dual Core 2 GHz
  • Mémoire vive : 4 MB de mémoire
  • Graphiques : DirectX 9 compatible with at least 500MB of memory
  • Espace disque : 500 MB d'espace disque disponible
  • Carte son : DirectX 9 compatible sound card or integrated sound chip

System requirements for macOS

Minimale :
  • Système d'exploitation : OSX 10.9
  • Processeur : Dual Core 2 GHz
  • Mémoire vive : 4 MB de mémoire
  • Graphiques : Intel HD 4600
  • Espace disque : 500 MB d'espace disque disponible
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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1 edit
In the campaign, grow a city to a population of 25.
Big Shot
Make 1000 money.
Soko Loco Master
Get all 8 trophies.
Mammoth Train
In the campaign, make one train hold every kind of cargo.
Natural Disaster
Deplete all woods in any final campaign level.
view all achievements
24 items

Soko Loco Deluxe reviews and comments