SPACE TILES - A hybrid space puzzle action game.
You are the void maker.
Your mission is to destroy the space tiles that are being assembled
to create a weapon of intergalactic destruction.
To assist you in your quest you have an endless supply of horizontal and vertical quantum implosion devices that can implode all connected tiles of same type.
You can only deploy a single implosion device at a time as activating multiple implosion devices would cause a cascading effect that implodes the entire region.
Avoid the weapon builders and their guard ships and efficiently dispose of the tiles to win.
Game play
Move your ship around the screen and place either a horizontal or vertical implosion device on a tile. Any connected tiles of the same colour will be obliterated.
The space occupied by these tiles will be filled by the surrounding tiles from the chosen direction.
By strategically selecting the right tiles in the right order you can remove large amounts of tiles with only a few devices.
Once a level is empty your ship will speed along to the next sector.
An extra bonus is added to your score if you complete levels under a certain time and a massive bonus is added if you use fewer implosion devices than.
There are 40 levels and the game can be completed in less than 30 minutes if you're fast. The game isn't hard, the trick is to get as high a score as possible.
Good luck and have fun!
Default Controls:
SPACE to select options in menu.
WASD to move ship.
RIGHT key to deploy horizontal implosion device.
DOWN key to deploy vertical implosion device.
ESC to reach the game menu.
or use a Xbox 360 compatible game controller:
'A' button to select options in menu.
Left joystick to move ship.
'A' button to deploy horizontal implosion device.
'X' button to deploy vertical implosion device.
'START' button to reach the game menu.