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SpaceChem - a new puzzle with a unique design.

You play as a SpaceChem Reactor Engineer, which, using the available source chemical elements, using chemical reactions, nuclear fission or synthesis to create new ones.

The game is divided into several episodes, and the episodes, in turn, are divided into stages. Stages are divided into three categories by type — research, production and defence. In the research stages (usually they act as training tasks for new capabilities of the reactor), only one reactor is available to the player. In the production stages, the player opens several reactors, and he, combining them with pipes, must provide cargo ships with the necessary chemical elements. In the defensive stages (usually the final tasks of each episode), the player must be using the available means, stop any monster trying to destroy the production station SpaceChem.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Android

3.1 and up

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Processor
  • Memory: 1GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 300MB
  • Video Card: frame buffer support recommended

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, fully updated
  • Processor: 2.0 GHz Processor
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: frame buffer support recommended
  • Hard Drive: 300 MB
  • Other: Mono 2.6 or later
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Dec 30, 2024

Where to buy

Google Play

Top contributors


2 edits


1 edit
SpaceChem: An Introduction
Feb 6, 2011
Let's Look At - SpaceChem
Mar 12, 2011
Spacechem - Working
Feb 16, 2012
SpaceChem, by Zachtronics Industries
Feb 6, 2011
SpaceChem Review
Apr 10, 2018
Recommending SpaceChem
Jul 14, 2013
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11,609 items
Known for5
Interstellar Transportation Specialist
Beat the assignment "Collapsar" in the 63 Corvi campaign.
Distinguished Publication Reviewer
Beat 20 published ResearchNet assignments.
Senior Efficiency Specialist
Beat the assignment "Molecular Foundry" using two or fewer reactors.
Materials Engineer of the People
Beat the assignment "Challenge: KOHCTPYKTOP".
Junior Publication Reviewer
Beat 10 published ResearchNet assignments.
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20 items
This game make me wanna PUKE
Accidents Happen
You spilled some outer space into my science!!! [SpaceChem]
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45 items

SpaceChem reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Frankly great puzzle game/reflection. Go put your brains to the test... Not for the lambda player anyway because becomes complex fast enough! In addition, let your imagination free yourself! :p the
Translated by
Microsoft from French
If you are a nuclear engineer or physicist in mathematics and theoretical equation is games for you... If you're like me, you've taken the game to have the items for Team Fortress 2, go your way, you're going to have a craned headache.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
It is a game that makes me feel horriously stupid, but that I can not help but adore *-* like the grip of the Bogdanov on France, this game is firm but just. When it's ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ somewhere it must be your fault, because a point of your design was weak... and ALLAY is gone to redesign a whole piece of the level. Worth every penny ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ of its price, offer you a spark of autism in your life, so do not wait any longer!!
Translated by
Microsoft from French
I bought this game several months ago and just tested the tutorial. It seemed simplistic and I left it aside. I was wrong. This little gem of gameplay is seriously addictive, well screwed, clever, and, what does not spoil anything, very fun. Provided you have some affinity with the algorithmic, or at least to like to take a little head (in which case the affinity with the algo will derive from this experience). It's even better if you have some engineer buddies, because thanks to the steam integration, you can make them come to life when you manage to do better without forcing. If you are engineers yourself, you will have to assume your status;)
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Unique puzzle game in 2 Levels with a chemistry theme. Usually you are bound by a strict Solution In such Games, but the Complexity of this Game grants you thousands! Rather, a separate, individual Solution. (And no completed Task gives you so much Satisfaction if you weren't allowed to solve it in your Own way.) Don't be put off by the minimalist presentation, the Core of this Game is ultimately in game Mechanics and this one is designed so cleverly that after learning the Basics, you really float in the Danger of Addiction. The "Draufklatsch-Tutorials" is initially a bit tough, but is compensated by an adequate Difficulty curve. Chemical skills, by the way, are not required. Actually, playing with Chemistry doesn't have as much to Do with it as it might seem. I don't want to reveal any more that There are still 2 days for a paltry €2 At the Date of this Review in the Summer Sale. (And it lasts longer than most Full-price Games.) That is why I advise strike! Skeptics can test the Demo.
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