SpaceCore (DeclanCullen)
An outer space sim
WASD - To move
Mouse to aim - Left mouse button to fire gun1 - right mouse to fire gun2
Scroll wheel to zoom in and out.
02/02/2023 change log
Ui overhaul
Added planetary market place - Makes use of modular items and datasets
Ai added simple at the moment while I refamiliarize with unity's physic system. Future plans convoys positioning.
Fixed the enemy shooting enemies now have access to the same modular weapons as the player
All feedback is welcomed I want to know what works and where to develop!
01/02/2023 change log
Added a scriptable object weapon system that includes whether a bullet can track, if it has limited amount of ammo and how much damage it generates.
Weapon plans
Kinetic standard flak and railguns
Energy standard bleamlike weapons
Missiles that can track the targeted ai