Average Playtime: 4 hours

Syrian Warfare

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This war has been going on for a long time, and it's hard to say when it will be over. We got so used to it that news from Syria has become trivial. We've even already forgotten how it all started, and where the roots of the terrible terror lie – the terror that swept across Europe in recent years.

Syria is all over the news, and it's become a subject of many documentaries. We, however, want to show the story through the lens of the game and don't let the word "game" mislead you. This game does not claim to be a history lesson, but it shows the course of the war in all its seriousness through the major milestones, from the first days till the latest important victories over terror.What kind of a game is it?
  • Syrian Warfare is a real time strategy with a high degree of realism. This game is not about a base construction or units production. The player will have to determine their forces characteristics before they go into action. And during the mission, they would be able to select reinforcements in order to support the troopers.
  • The troops and machinery crews move from mission to mission and gain experience, which helps them increase their effectiveness.
  • Trophies captured by the player on the battlefield can be used throughout the whole campaign.
  • Importantly enough, there are no «life bars» for vehicles in the game. Damages are calculated by taking into account the protection module and the power of adverse factors. Inflicted damages affect the functioning of the module.
  • In the battlefield, it is impossible to repair the armor, but one can repair the modules by using a limited stock of spare parts. Ammunition and fuel are also limited.
  • A system of high-quality physical demolition of buildings and other objects is used in the game (it does not only look spectacular, but it has a serious influence on the tactics during the missions, especially in urban areas).
  • The game has a wide set of tactical possibilities: The storming of buildings, usage of smokescreens, infantry lift by helicopters and APC/IFV, air strike calls, capturing of trophy weapons and equipment, usage of heat flares and active defense complexes.
  • And of course the story itself. We will try to show the conflict, not from a point of view of a general, located somewhere at the ‘top’. No, it will be a story of a man, who lived in the country that descended into hell. A story of struggle, loss and regained hope.
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Cats Who Play
Cats Who Play
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1 GHz) / AMD A10 5800K (3.8 GHz)
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GT 440 (1024 MB) / Radeon HD 4890 (1024 MB)
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4400 (3.1 GHz) / AMD A10 6800K (4.1 GHz)
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GeForce GTX 760 (2048 MB) / Radeon R9 280 (2048 MB)
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 4, 2024

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Syrian Warfare reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
One Thing in advance: It should be clear That this is not an objective representation of the Scenery with a Russian Developer. However, you can also get the Impressions of the other Side here. But If you hide that and look at ONLY as a Game, I can say this: For the current 17.99 (and 19.99), the Game is fine. It is not a classic Strategy with Base construction, this is dispensed with here. More is being put on the Tactics for that. You play a Police Force And you try to save what's still there from Syria. [Attention Spoilers] When the police Station is attacked in the 1St Mission, various Telephone calls to Friends and Relatives are experienced. Everyone has just buried an RPG in the Garden or their Rifle from the Israeli Wars in the Closet and so they immediately rush to Help. Where we are on the Subject of Weapons, there are, of course, different Types of Unity. Police Forces are so the all-rounders, have Grenades, machine Guns and hold out bit of something. Snipers are of course excellent at great Distance but not so converted in Melee combat. RPG Troops are excellent against Vehicles, but do not have much Ammunition (more on that in a moment). In addition to Pioneers who can mine individual Sections very well, there are also driver squads that feel most comfortable in Vehicles. Topic ammunition: Each Unit has its own Ammunition for each Weapon. Whether It's Machine guns, Grenades, RPGs or anything else. Should a Unit run out of ammunition, this will be displayed briefly above the Mini-map (a bit indistinct as the yellow/orange one goes down a bit). How do you fill up the Ammunition? You drive a Transport Truck (Urals) to the Squads and let them rest briefly in the Car. The ammunition reserve of the TRUCK Is consumed (there is a lot in it to ball out a bit). The Vehicles can only be Repaired if they still have enough Material with them and are only possible to drive if there is enough Fuel on Board. Fueled can be The Vehicles of Tank trucks. So one should be prepared for all Eventualities, which brings us to the next Topic: Per constellations. Of course, you can't just spam units until you fall over, but only select and deploy a predetermined Contingent of Units/Vehicles/Helicopters at the Beginning of the Mission. There is a Selection of two Categories: Reserve: The Reserve varies from Mission to Mission and starts as a Recruit. However, in order to be able to use these Units as Vanguard (i.e. on the Battlefield), you need so-called APC. This APC is available depending on how many Units you have lost in a Mission (more Losses = less APC), how well and effectively YOU have proceeded, and whether you have met Side targets. Better Units, of course, cost more APC. So If you absolutely want to have a Unit out of the Reserve, you should strike immediately. Garrison: In the Garrison are the Troops who actively participated in the last Mission on the Field or who were "shopped" from the Reserve as a precaution, but did not need for deployment. So These Units are taken from Mission to Mission, and they gradually gain experience, making them more operational. Since you cannot retrofit at any time, but only at certain Points, these experienced Units are extremely important. The third Column, "Vanguard," then sends the Units into battle. So for what you pay, you get a lot of time. However, all is not well: The finding Of the Units is now (27.02.2017) a Disaster. Often the forward and back glides and you get into unpleasant Situations as a result. The Graphics are ... Jacobs. Let's Say a Means to An end. And of course the above mentioned "Subjective" Image, which is conveyed here. Point 1 I go by and is still fixed. Whether the Graphic changes something or the Way it is presented, I doubt. Booth now I can definitely recommend it for those who like To play/Have played games like Blitzkrieg Or World at War)
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