Tales of the Cursed Word
- Game Overview -
This game has been made for the Community Game Jam, August 2019, it is an unconventional 2D Fantasy Point-Click Puzzle game.
In the thought process, when developing this, we realised how hard it is to develope a game that is ACTUALLY a liar to you and not the opposite.
If the game is a liar, lying shouldn't be your in game purpose, in fact, in this game, our goal is to make you feel the sense of being lied to!
* We suggest playing it on fullscreen and to lower the base volume of your windows before starting, it probably only works on windows 10! *
- Key Bindings -
Left Mouse Button: does everything in this game, if clicked in the right spot obviously.
- Game-flow -
The flow should work perfectly, anyway, if you feel you are stucked into a bug, please, notify it to us in the comment section!
Notice that, if you think it doesn't work, you are probably doing it wrong, it's a puzzle game and if you need any help you can click the "Info Button" on the bottom right corner of your screen to get some help!
There are a total of EIGHT core "riddles" you will have to solve, THREE different music tracks you will hear during the game.
Let's get realistic. You only need to press START!
- Credits -
We're an italian group of friends making games, in particular:
Simone Turello: programming and animation.
Stefano Bertolino: graphics, music and sound design.
Matteo Lista: texts, game-flow design and general supporter.
The general design has been made up in a particularly hilarious evening by the previous trio.