The Last of Us Part II reviews

Ellie is literally me irl
I have major issues with the story and the character writing, and the already dated combat from the first game has only been slightly improved.  But it's graphically stunning and the gameplay is solid.
The Last of Us is my favorite game. That's not something easy to say for someone who has played so many games during their lives, but I can say it with complete certainty. So I waited seven years for the second part, scared to have my favorite title ruined. But now I can say it with even more certainty than before: The Last of Us, in its entirety, part 1 and 2, is the best game I have ever played in my life. The second one brings more to the table with updated and brand new gameplay mechanics, and a hint of horror that was more intense than the scariest parts of the first one. The story is brutal, it's no longer a tale about love and hope, is a tale about grief, rage, and revenge. It's an entire lesson of empathy and humanity. It caught me by surprise, and it changed me. No game ever had an impact like that in my life, and I doubt it ever will. 
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
Graphism excellent, ost too. Gameplay meh at least u can personalize it. Ever fell tension cause u dont have amo in a resident evil, guess what just turn the option increase loot. The story is certainly the worst part of it, with a scenario who try so much to subvert expectation than it doesnt make any sens and stupid forgetballe character who are stupid af. Just one exemple, u kill somebody in front of his friend they say to u i will kill u what to do ? leave and forget a good night will certainly change his mind. Also they have change the first one in the flashback guess they need consistency at some point
«Waste of time»
«Oh God i managed it»
Completed 2/20/21
This game is the best thing happened to me in 2020. It screws open-world and multi-ending products just delivering a masterpiece story in a mind blowing way.
«Blew my mind»
«Just one more turn»
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
«Blew my mind»
«Beaten more than once»
«Blew my mind»
«Can’t stop playing»
Jogos em sua maior parte tendem a focar em 2 quesito: diversão e entretenimento. TLOU part 2 por mais que seja entretenimento de alta qualidade, não busca sua diversão e isso o torna o melhor jogo de 2020 e provavelmente um dos jogos mais corajosos já feitos.

 Games for the most part tend to focus on two aspects: fun and entertainment. TLOU part 2 no matter how high quality entertainment is, it does not seek your enjoyment and that makes it the best game of 2020 and probably one of the most courageous games ever made.
Anyone realizes that this has maybe the best graphics of any game ever, but the story is controversial. I loved it, it was so original and I never knew what to expect. They made me understand both Abbey's and Ellie's views and side and that was wonderfully done. People who hate it do so because they are emotionally attached to Joel and hate Abbey for that at the beginning, but if you just think about it Ellie and Joel are probably worse people than Abbey. Still I think both of them have flaws and that is what the game tries to tell you. 

Further are the factions in the game set up beautifully and you can, again, feel for all of them.

No one is perfect, and revenge is kind of pointless. That is what this game tells you and it does that well. 
The first Last of Us was one of my favorite games of all time. TLOU2 sas Visually incredible, great mechanics. However, the writer for the story and characters went extremely far out of their way to make everything full blown SJW(in exchange for making less seemingly realistic situations) and dragged everything out more than it needed to be. I was excited in the beginning, by the end I was begging for it to end.
«Game over at last!»