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They Are Billions

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They Are Billions is a strategy game in a distant future about building and managing human colonies after a zombie apocalypse destroyed almost all of human kind. Now there are only a few thousand humans left alive that must struggle to survive under the threat of the infection. Billions of infected roam around the world in massive swarms seeking the last living human colonies.Game ModesCampaign
In the campaign mode, you have to help the surviving humans to reconquer their country. There are dozens of missions with different goals: building colonies, tactical missions, rescue missions... You can decide the path of progress and mission - research new technologies, advances and upgrades to improve your colonies and army.
Survival Mode
In this mode, a random world is generated with its own events, weather, geography, and infected population. You must build a successful colony that must survive for 100 days against the swarms of infected. It is a fast and ultra addictive game mode. We plan to release a challenge of the week where all players must play the same random map. The best scores will be published in a leaderboard.Real Time with Pause
This is a real-time strategy game, but don’t get too nervous. You can pause the action to take the best strategic and tactical decisions.
In Pause Mode, you can place structures to build, give orders to your army, or consult all of the game’s information.
This game is all about strategy, not player performance or the player’s skill to memorize and quickly execute dozens of key commands. Pause the game and take all the time you need!Build your Colony
Build dwellings and acquire food for the colonists. They will come to live and work for the colony.
Collect resources from the environment using various building structures. Upgrade buildings to make them more efficient.
Expand the energy distribution of the colony by placing Tesla Towers and build mills and power plants to feed the energy to your buildings.
Build walls, gates, towers, and structures to watch the surroundings. Don’t let the infected take over the colony!Build an Army
What kind of people would want to combat the infected?
Only the maddest ones. Train and contract mercenaries to protect the colony. They demand their money and food, and you will have to listen to their awful comments, but these tormented heroes will be your best weapon to destroy the infected.
Every unit is unique and has their own skills and personality – discover them!Thousands of Units on Screen
Yes! They are billions! The world is full of infected creatures… they roam, smell, and listen. Every one of them has their own AI. Make noise and they will come – kill some of them to access an oil deposit and hundred of them will come to investigate.
We have created our custom engine to handle hordes of thousands of the infected, up to 20,000 units in real time.
Do you think your colony is safe? Wait for the swarms of thousands of infected that are roaming the world. Sometimes your colony is in their path!Prevent the Infection
If just one of the infected breaks into a building, all the colonies and workers inside will become infected. The infected workers will then run rabid to infect more buildings. Infections must be eradicated from the beginning, otherwise, it will grow exponentially becoming impossible to contain.Beautiful 4K Graphics!
Prepare to enjoy these ultra high definition graphics. Our artists have created tons of art pieces: Beautiful buildings with their own animations, thousands of frames of animation to get the smoothest movements and everything with a crazy Steampunk and Victorian style!

Release date
Numantian Games
Numantian Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: INTEL, AMD 2 cores CPU at 2Ghz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD3000, Radeon, Nvidia card with shader model 3
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Minimum resolution: 1360x768, recomemeded FULL HD 1920x1080.
  • OS: Windows 7, 8, 10
  • Processor: INTEL. AMD 4 cores CPU at 3Ghz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon 7950 or above, Nvidia GTX 670 or above
  • DirectX: Version 9.0c
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: 4K Monitor (3840x2160)
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Last Modified: Mar 18, 2025

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Infected Killer Level 10
100 Millions infected killed!
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Infected Killer Level 9
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They Are Billions reviews and comments

Creative, intense, really cool
«Just one more turn»
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review They Are Billions Is currently in the Early Access Phase and this must not be overlooked at first. To the Game itself: They Are Billions (consecutive TaB only) is a very simple Game in which the Basic Concept is quickly explained. It's about surviving on a randomly generated map and keeping the allotted Days through. It should be Said here that there is only talk of Survival fashion, since the Kampange Will not be inserted until the Release in Spring 2018. To survive, you set up Troops and build your Sidlung, all quite classically held in RTS Style, gather resources and explore the Map. The first few Days are quite relaxed and you just have to keep an eye on it that you don't have to put a single Zombie into the Sidlung unseen, because the Round can then take its end very quickly. In This regard, the Zombie Infection can spread very quickly once it affects a Building, because all the Inhabitants contained in it immediately swarm out as new Zombies and so quickly a Snowball Fill sets in. Now that you have survived the first Few days and made yourself comfortable, secured Resources and cleared the Map a little, placed a few Ramparts and already recruited the first Troops, the stressful Part of the Game begins. The first Horde approaches you, these are Part of the Game and regularly appear in ever larger Groups and, unlike the Zombies already present on the Map, start your Base directly from the Edge of the Map with The main goal On your Command center. Now it shows if your Defense is suitable. While the first Hordes are still easy to handle, towards the End it becomes very quickly stressful and only a well thought-out defense that is already planned from the very beginning will hold up to the Final Wave. By The way, you don't have to eliminate them completely if you simply survive to the specified Daily Limit. Graphic The Graphics of the Game I think are distasteful, there will be People who love them and who hate them. For my Taste, the Graphics are very suitable for the general Steampunksetting that is used in the Game. It is also quite detailed, although at first Glance it is actually quite rich in Detail, if you take up the maximum Zoom level. But I do not Recommend DIese in the Long run, as the Overview zoomed out widely is already important. Still, the Graphics for me definitely a Plus. Early Access Status At the Time of this Review, I can't really complain that the Game is in the EA or was still in the Closed Beta. The Basic Concept Of the Game runs Round, a Balancing is already quite there, although partially in need of improvement (which is also constantly being dealt with by the Developers) and I personally have not had any Problems with any crashes or other Serious Bugs. The Units AI is sometimes a bit on the Hose but this too has already been tackled by the Developers. My Conclusion The Game is really fun and offers some variety and Excitement due to the repeatedly randomly generated cards, you Should also take every Card in my opinion and not wait for the one Lucky one. The Developers patch a lot and very regularly. New Content Is added again and again and the Developers also communicate a lot with the Communitiy and are also happy to include their Suggestions in the Game if possible. So If you are looking for a nice Defense game with ingenious Graphics in Hand-drawn style and have Fun planning Perfider defense to clap thousands of Zombies and at the same time want a little resource and Space management, I think is in good hands here.
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