Average Playtime: 4 hours

To Ash

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An RPG By Kyle Ballentine.Do You Accept Death? Or Do You Fear It?An old-school RPG made to question your acceptance of mortality.

A unique RPG where instead of becoming stronger, you get weaker as you go along. Demitri is a hero who already completed his journey. He is already powerful, so combat is complex and strategic from the start! But no one can live forever, and everyone’s story must come to an end.
The theme revolves around death and acceptance. Written by a therapist, the story is made help you think about what you cannot control. Age, death, loss... these are all things we must accept in our lives.
For those just looking to experience the story, there are 2 distinct modes.Key Features
  • No grinding levels, because the hero becomes weaker
  • Complex, strategic battles from the start and no long tutorials
  • Turn-based battles with the “Stance” mechanic, allowing you to strengthen the character in various ways and respond to enemy attacks.
  • Strong themes of acceptance and mortality with an impactful ending, even the towns are modelled after the 5 stages of grief
  • 2 versions, one for RPG veterans and one for those who just want to experience the story
•Full rpg experience with combat (6-10 hours), or...
•"Adventure Mode" (3-5 hours), which removes the element of combat and strategy, but leaves the story, puzzles, and exploration to enjoy!
  • 2 endings depending on your choices
  • Original art by Neon Skies Studio
Developer Profile:

I am a therapist in Santa Ana, California. I currently live with my wife, two cats, and one dog.
This is my first game, To Ash. I’m a life-long gamer, (growing up with two brothers, we played a ton of different games) and an RPG lover. I worked on this by myself, but had input from testers, family, and had some original art made by Jala Prendes.
So you know where some of my influences come from, some of my favorite games are; Castlevania, Mario RPG, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Smash Bros., ‘Tales of’ games, Zelda, and Albert Odyssey.
Release date
Kyle Ballentine
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OSX 10.10 or better
  • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: Compatible OpenGLR
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32bit/64bit)
  • Processor: 1.6 GHz
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0 Compatible
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX 9.0 Compatible Sound
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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To Ash reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
To ash is a surprising and test JRPG! First of all, know that I do not like JRPG. I don't know why... can be an overdose of JRPG when I was too young or a JRPG who never wanted to let finish what deeply traumatized me! BUT, to ash is a different JRPG. I will give only two points and it should convince you and if not, anyway, I would have tried! 1/in to ash, the hero when he starts the game is to the maximum of his potential. He wakes up from an artificial sleep. He was a hero before, he is always one and you do not need to put it back! On the other hand, he is old and like all old, he loses little by little skills and his power. 2/there are two game modes. The full mode and the mode without combat and frankly, you have to thank the developer because what is it me gonf... I mean bothers me these fights! Don't refuse to ash, it's a good JRPG... Yes, Yes, I wrote that! To discover a more complete description of the game and some screenshots of to ash, go to my site. [www.graal.fr]
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Description: RPGmaker is a product from an American doctor living with his wife, two cats and a dog. The Story tells of a great hero who travels with his speaking shield. For Services before God, the hero got an unprecedented health, but everything has an end and this time we have to save the world being on the verge of the afterlife. Pros: ¥ There are two modes of play-with battles and without (very lacking such in many other similar games). ¥ Humor intertwined with the serious topic of death and being. ¥ Cool Map. ¥ Puzzles and mini-games. ¥ A Good plot and concept, where we do not swing from the minimum level to the maximum, and vice versa-with each new step weakens. Cons: ¥ Quite complicated revolutions of the English language using jokes. I had to Translate with Google transliteration, essentially repeating the text of the game on the keyboard, and then still thinking the right sense. ¥ The character moves very slowly On the keyboard and it is impossible to pass the game, so control is strictly a mouse. ¥ No Achievements. ¥ Soundtrack-Sound. ¥ Game weighs two giga... JRPG-2GB... The Content is not so much, apparently just pictures are not processed as it should. Bottom line: Not a Bad idea, with a dull realization. Thank you made the version only with the storyline, but still the game does not reach the interesting and can not captivate itself... At least me. As my friend said about it-better you would instead of breeding two koshes and a dog, as well as creating a game developer engaged with his wife sex and brought children. Rating: 4/10 post-match: If you liked this review welcome to the group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/uojer-here you can see the recommended games, other reviews, as well as just chat in good company.
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