Umbra - Beta 1.0

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The mysterious HEXXAL and his army have stolen Planet Umbra and transported it to an unknown location. It is up to you and the remaining Umbra Army fleet to destroy HEXXAL and reclaim your home world before it is too late.

Umbra is a throw back to classic arcade shoot 'em up games with a modern twist - a health bar! You no longer have to worry about dying to one single laser, revolutionary!  You can also buy new ships and skins with credits that are earned by playing. There are currently 3 ships that each have a unique special ability and many different skins that are unlock-able for each ship.

When you create your in game profile, there are 4 different difficulties to choose from, ranging from "easy" to "arcade", which should be a real challenge for any seasoned shoot 'em up veterans. If you don't think you can handle arcade difficulty, easy mode is great for some casual fun. 

At the moment, there are 4 levels in the campaign mode (one complete chapter), a short one level tutorial/prologue chapter, and a 40 wave survival mode for some constant shooting action. We have 3 more chapters planned for future updates, bringing the total number of levels to be about 20 by the time the game is ready to leave beta. We will also be adding in more unique ships and we would  like to make the in-game music more consistent therefore you may hear songs change as the game receives updates.

We plan to release the chapter 2 update around July 1st. Stay tuned for more information as we make progress on it. We are also exploring Mac and Linux versions for upcoming releases.

If you experience any issues with the game, or want to share feedback, we have an in-game bug reporting link in the options menu as well as the forums on this site. We would love to hear what you think!

Check out our other games coming in the future!

Release date
Orabidon Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: May 4, 2020

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