Unreliable Crew
A short pirate game made in a 48 hour games jam at BrainsEden 2018.
It's a real time game where players look after a pirate ship with a troublesome crew. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to navigate the ship and find crew members miss behaving. Then set them straight by clicking on them.
Although this game was originally designed for table devices it has now been ported to PC so that it may reach a wider audience.
Developed by Christopher Deane, Luke Merritt, Amelia Plant, Kelvin Avey and Dylan Carpenter
Dylan Carpenter's Tumbler https://cafevampire-art.tumblr.com
Kelvin Avey's Portfolio https://theartofkelvinavey.weebly.com
Amelia Plant's Portfolio https://ameliaplantart.artstation.com
Luke Merritt's Twitter https://twitter.com/FV_Studio_UK?lang=en
Christopher Deane's Twitter https://twitter.com/cd_gamesdev