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Villagers and Heroes

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Step into a magical land unlike any other!Villagers and Heroes is a free-to-play MMO game in which players experience the thrill of battling unique monsters, the satisfaction of crafting powerful weapons and gear, and the pleasure of building lasting friendships in a friendly community.Gnomish Augmentation = Sandbox Gameplay.This unique feature is at the heart of the deep yet elegantly simple player choice system in Villagers & Heroes. The weapons and armor that a player equips not only grant a versatile assortment of heroic feats and spells, but also a large array of proficiencies and augmented abilities. The process of Gnogmenting gives the players the ability to mix, match, swap, replace, customize and design gear exactly how they want! Combine ancient elder gear with remarkable weaponry dropped from the monsters of the world. Or craft your own gear using any or all of the 10 gathering and crafting skills available. Gnogmenting is a completely free-form, sandbox system that is unmatched by any other game in its depth, and lets players test every tactic and indulge every creative whim.Bounty Runs!Bounties are powerful adversaries and monsters that roam every corner of the world. When a player defeats a bounty monster, they earn a large reward, regardless of the size of their party! Solo the beasties by yourself, or rampage across the countryside with a group of friends. Bounty rewards are instantaneous and do not require activation. This feature encourages teamwork and strategy.Live in a Real Home in a Real Village.You are the architect, the farmer, and the rancher. With a wide range of building styles to choose from, players can design and decorate their own houses, as well as choose which crops to plant in their garden, or select the type of animals they'd most like to raise. But players needn't go at it alone! Help your village grow from a tiny hamlet to a thriving metropolis by aiding your neighbors with community projects which will ultimately benefit every member of the village.Features
  • 8 Primary Combat Class Builds, with a myriad of meaningful variations
  • 10 Crafting Professions: Fishing, Mining, Bug Collecting, Plant Lore, Woodcrafting, Smithing, Cooking, Tailoring, Gardening, and Ranching
  • Gardening and Ranching: hundreds of different crops, sheep, pigs, chickens, and exotics like ember sheep, shadow sheep, etc.
  • Bounty Runs! Now with over 1500 unique bounties.
  • Real player housing with dozens of decoration options
  • Real Villages that can be leveled up by all members of the Village with better facilities (Forge, Tailory, Kitchen, Woodshop), opening new neighborhoods with housing for more players, mayors, a shared vault, stocking village resources, and more...
  • Gnogmenting: Combine crafted gear and elder gear from defeating lair bosses and rare randomly found exotic gear for an unlimited number of combinations of functionality and appearance
  • Auction House with thriving in-game economy
  • Hundreds of Magical Spells, Heroic Feats, and Abilities
  • More than 1000 Quests and Charters
Press Coverage
  • “Free for All: Villagers and Heroes adds Bells, Whistles, and more Sand” -- Massively, Feb 26 2014
  • “Villagers and Heroes Review – It’s Expansion Time!” -- OnRPG, Mar 19 2014
  • “The Stream Team: Checking out Villagers and Heroes' new client” -- Massively, Feb 24 2014
  • “Massively’s Third Annual Frindie Awards” -- Massively, Jan 1 2014
Release date
Mad Otter Games
Mad Otter Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, or XP
  • Processor: Intel® Pentium® D or AMD Athlon™ 64 X2
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: On board graphics
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • OS: Windows® 8, 7, Vista, or XP
  • Processor: Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz, AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 2.6GHz or better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Graphics card with 512 MB of memory or more
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 27, 2022

Where to buy

Villagers & Heroes: Starfall - Trailer
Jul 31, 2017
Villagers & Heroes
Villagers & Heroes: Reborn - First Look (New Content)
Jun 27, 2015
Villagers & Heroes: Villages
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Villagers & Heroes 3D MMO - Android Gameplay HD
Nov 16, 2016
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🔥ЛУЧШАЯ ММОРПГ без АВТОБОЯ! | Крестьяне и герои 3D MMO | Обзор Андроид/iOS игры
Sep 28, 2018
DICA FREE MMO : Villagers And Heroes // Primeiros Passos
Apr 26, 2014
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Villagers and Heroes reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
So if THAT is to be the revised, improved Version of "Villagers & Heroes," then I don't even want to know how bad the first Version was. Graphically, you can set plenty of Options, but even to maximum, the Game just looks ridiculous, offering only slurred graphics with chunky Characters and Object Details (I'm already taking into account here that it's supposed to be comic graphics). And despite the lousy graphics, the Performance is mies: 25-40fps in the launch area with maximum Graphics details at the following hardware: Intel i7 4770K 4.2 GHz, Geforce GTX Titan BLACK 6GB, 32 GB RAM, Windows 7 SP1 64 bit. The Problem here is that only 1 CPU core is used-what Age do programmers actually live in? Since Pentium 4 Times there have been Hyper-Threading with at least 2 logical Cores! Why don't Programmers use this? Today'S CPUs even have 4 physical Cores! Then continues: Game is set in German. Nevertheless, only English Audios come. The Texts are also partly English (noticed in Character creation). As long as there is no proper performance update, I cannot recommend this Game.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Uhm yes, what do I think of the Game only or rather, how does it play out? It's probably best compared as a Mix of two Games. It's just a little like the Browser Game Runescape and the MMORPG World of Warcraft. In The end, however, the Game slams a fierce Candor into the Runescape Gameplay. What I mean by that: You can decide here what you want to do and the Gameplay doesn't just consist of fighting. It consists of both collecting Resources, making clothes, Brewing weapons and Potions. Unfortunately, the Gameplay itself lacks a certain Depth, so the Sources of resources never dry up and you are not forced to visit another Place because it is just gone. This creates more of a boring one over and over again on a head/Hit box. By the Way, there is no real Trade between the Players, who just have to exchange ideas with Things like in Runescape, here you make everything rather quite alone and lonely. The one German Server is quite "quiet" or filled by completely shy People who only spam around and who of course cannot be blocked. The Combat System is classic back and forth attacking as you know it from almost all MMORPGs. There is nothing more to say about this either. Would only give me better camera control, as it is truly atrocious. The Game itself is ultimately just a nice and really child-friendly Alternative to Runescape, which does not get sooo quickly in an Indescribable Monotony, but gets bored very quickly in a different Way. -I could also go into completely different Points of the Game here, but hey, you don't want to give it all away. After all, you should play a Game yourself and form an Opinion and not read something and then have a firm Opinion of it. Most will probably close the Game again within the first Few minutes anyway, as the Weaknesses are very noticeable at the Very beginning. The non-existent Tutorial ultimately gives the Player the rest, because you are very rudely just thrown into the World and you are supposed to follow the "Story" (?) right away. But This is completely irrelevant anyway and doesn't really show well what you can do in the Game. And again, but hey, the Game is not really a Pay 2 Win Game and the Grinding doesn't start until Level 11-12 of any Skill and as I said, many won't play that far anyway. -> I prefer to stay with Runescape. I would prefer Or would rather prefer Runescape if there was the Game on Steam. -> Wow, I'm still too scared into the silly Browser game, even though I haven't played it for 5-6 Years. D:
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