Average Playtime: 5 hours

DC Universe Online

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DC Universe Online is an MMO game set in the world of Batman and Superman. The game offers the player to become a completely new superhero or a supervillain.


The game's opening cinematic tells how the greatest heroes and villains of the DC Universe annihilated each other in a future war. This left the Earth defenseless before the space conqueror Brainiac. The only survivor of this war, Lex Luthor, claims he came back to the present to prevent this catastrophe. He created nano-robots that grant superhuman powers and released them on Earth to create new metahumans. As a result, thousands of people develop extraordinary abilities and become superheroes or supervillains. One of this people is the player's character.

Character creation

Before entering the game, the player has to create his or her original, fully customizable DC character. The player can define the character's gender, looks, personality, powers, and other attributes, or to use pre-loaded templates. You also have to choose your side and decide if you're a hero or a villain.


The newly created character enters the DC Universe and immediately has to fight for his or her freedom as part of a tutorial mission. The player shares the world with thousands of other metahumans as well as AI-controlled famous heroes and villains from the DC Comics canon. All of them are involved in constant battles between good and bad. To become a member of Justice League or Secret Society of Super Villains, the character has to gain experience, complete quests and master his or her powers.

Release date
Daybreak Games Company
Daybreak Game Company
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP 32-bit
  • Processor: P4 3.0GHz or AMD equivalent
  • Memory: 1GB RAM
  • Hard Disk Space: 30 GB of Free Hard Drive Space
  • Video: NVIDIA 7800GTX+ or ATI 1950+ Video Card
  • Audio: on Board
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Last Modified: Feb 10, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store
Xbox Store

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Zak A.

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Sexualized Women
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JUSTICE LEAGUE Vs Future Joker, Black Adam, Deathstroke Fight Scene Cinematic - DC Universe Online
May 3, 2020
DC Universe Online - Cinematic Trailer (Comic-Con '10)
Jul 26, 2010
Future Batman JUSTICE LEAGUE Fight Scene Cinematic - DC Universe Online
May 2, 2020
DC Universe Online (2021) - Gameplay (PC UHD) [4K60FPS]
Jan 1, 2021
I forced my friends to play DC UNIVERSE ONLINE
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DC Universe Online Cinematic Intro Trailer Spanish HD
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1,000,000 items
Demonic Trickery
Cursed House of Mystery (Event, Normal, or Elite): Pass Etrigan's Puzzle after choosing all four swords
Absorb the Orb
Town Square Theater Solo (Normal): Defeat Cursed Zatanna without taking any damage from her Cursed Glitter Ball attack
Serenity Now
Cursed Themyscira Raid (Normal): Defeat Ethereal Hecate without allowing Hecate to get a buff from thoughts
No Drain No Pain
Meta-Therapy Clinic Alert (Elite): Defeat Parasite after successfully boosting Static with the Static Charge each opportunity to do so
Abandoned Subway Duo (Normal or Elite): While fighting Turtledove or DaBoom, defeat 80 Metabreed Bang Babies
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정의를 물리쳐라, 룩삼과 함께하는 수어사이드 스쿼드 방송
DCUO Smallville t2 Raid
✔️Blast from the Past - :D Happy New Year | AMD RED TEAM
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124 items

DC Universe Online reviews and comments

Don't waste your time and money playing this TRASH. The community is Toxic , every time you log in you will find that other players are being toxic to each other to cause you stress. Don't buy anything from this game , they are scams and will ban you if they don't like you. It's a free game FFS they shouldn't ban anyone for bad language the game literally has a profanity filter so you can cuss , but banning someone just cause you don't like them it's another level of stupidity. The only reason I'm writing this is in hopes that they lose fanbase and in hopes that some one will remove the ban button cause it really Isnt helping anyone. I paid for membership and paid to get new stuff etc yet they ban me for no apparent reason just cause they don't like me 😏 that's really hitting the curb. All I hope is that they fire the game manager and remove the banning anyone cause we don't like them button. - ThatOneGuyTheyAlwaysBan
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game should not be called "FTP MMORPG." It's either FTP or an MMORPG yes you can play it for free. But then has enormous Limitations. So you can write e.g. b vllt 4-5 Messages and then ... After all, you are mute until you buy an ominous legacy access. Forced Gemuted In an MMORPG ... You have to come up with something like that first. Apparently, you can buy a package for just under €90 That eliminates virtually all restrictions (of course, you should rather pay for the ABO) and with which the Majority of Super Forces can be unlocked. If you had simply said from the Beginning: "Hey the Game costs 80-90 Euros, but you can use everything" or "Hey up to level 20 or 30 you can play for free but after that we want to see an ABO" you would probably be better there. Because every player knows: Developers want and have to earn money. But: To raise a game like a cheap rip-phone app fuels rather displeasure and then leads to negative feedback otherwise the Game IS quite entertaining (not the best MMorpg but probably the best Superhero MMORPG ... They are rare.) By and large, however, never worth €80 and certainly not a costly permanent subscription. Unfortunately, uninstalled very quickly (mainly because the game blocks the multiplayer character with non-payers ^^)
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Microsoft from Deutsch
DC Universe Online is complete on DEUTSCH!!!! Read Correctly, even if Steam unfortunately indicates it would only be in English. Certainly one of the Reasons why only a few from our Country play here. The Translation in German is 1 A. The Speakers put a lot of Effort into it and the Voices of Joker, Batman, Etc., for example, sound like from the well-known Movies. It's free and you don't need to spend money to get ahead. I'm soon at Level 30 and I haven't had to invest anything. At the first Start, I recommend that you choose a Hero and a Villain. Two Characters are free, you'd have to pay a third one. Why Heroes and Villains? Because then you play the Game from two different Angles, and hero and Villain develop completely differently. The Game is also running without Fail, and I haven't had a Crash yet. The Online Connection to the Servers is also optimal and there are always new Events and Changes in The Game, so that there is no Boredom. The Community is also great and helps when you need Support. Some Challenges can also only be solved in the Community, which works very well. Of course, there is also a small "But" here. As I said, Steam forgot to mention that it is also available completely in German, and perhaps in other Languages. If you download the Game for the first Time after all, over 30 GB, you only have the Version When the Game was released here. This is followed by more than 6GB of Updates and Patches. At these download, so it was with me the Process broke off so about 45 times, if an Update was loaded or a Patch, then unfortunately you have to click on the further download, otherwise nothing is done, so that is to stay at the PC and constantly see if it continues to load or again s The must has stayed and waits. If that's over runs the Game flawlessly. Before you get started, as usual with other Online games, you have to create an Account where you also provide your Email address. I can only recommend it to anyone who is on comic book heroes like Batman & Co.
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