God of War III
The final part of the original trilogy about Kratos, who is on the mission to revenge his loved ones and who killed the god of war and took his place. The game is exclusive for PlayStation 3 and 4.
God of War III is a typical action-adventure slasher. The game is the seventh in the series, it is a direct continuation of God of War II story. The main elements of the game are borrowed from ancient Greek mythology. The player controls Kratos - who lost his place on Olympus this time. Together with the goddess of the land of Gaia, he climbs Mount Olympus to defeat Zeus but fails and thrown into the waters of the River Styx. The plot narrates about the ascent of the main character back to the tops.
From the gameplay point of view the game is not much different from the previous parts. This is also an action packed third-person slasher with RPG elements and handcrafted cinematics. In the hands of Kratos, two blades, whose possibilities can be improved for in-game currency, other weapons will be available as the passage progresses. All levels of the game end with boss battles with heavy use of Quick-Time-Events.
System requirements for PlayStation 3
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God of War III reviews and comments
The scale of the game is its best part. Since its the end of the Greek saga, you get to fight all the big Greek gods in epic boss fights. The Cronos and Poseidon fights especially shows how great the games' cinematic battles are.
Much more options in fights this time with 4 weapons, all fun to play with and 3 items, alongside the 4 spell slots you also had in previous games.
Story is pretty simple: Kratos is mad, he wants to kill Zeus and every other character think they can somehow take him on. However, Kratos has a lot more personality this time.
All in all, it's a great game that holds up.