Average Playtime: 13 hours

Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Batman: Arkham Asylum as an action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios. It is the first installment in the Batman: Arkham series which is based on Batman comic series.

Batman successfully captures Joker and transports him to the Arkham Asylum on the Arkham Island. Batman suspects Joker of surrendering intentionally hence why the hero decides to escort Joker personally. Joker breaks away from the security frees all the inmates and captures the asylum. Batman sets out to restore order in Arkham Asylum.

Played from a third-person perspective, the gameplay of Batman: Arkham Asylum can be divided into three types: world exploration, stealth and beat 'em up. Batman explores the asylum while solving puzzles and using his wide range of gadgets. If Batman is spotted, the game turns into a beat 'em up featuring fast hand-to-hand combat. Batman himself does not use any weapons due to his moral choices while the enemies grow stronger and begin using different weaponry as the game progresses.

In some cases, while confronting a group of enemies, it is suggested that Batman's actions should not be spotted and the game turns into a stealth action.

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

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Last Modified: Mar 2, 2025

Where to buy

Nintendo Store
App Store
PlayStation Store
Xbox 360 Store

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Batman: Arkham Asylum reviews and comments

«Blew my mind»
A dark, fitting artstyle, the beginnings of a great combat system, a great stealth system and a great new introduction to Batman.
It's engaging with a very good story 
«That ending!»
I like Batman and this game does him real justice. Story and it's pacing, characters (Joker!), voice acting (Joker again!), combat, gadgets, stealth missions, flying - all is truly great. I loved Arkham Asylum from start to finish.
I did not enjoyed the game, maybe just because it's quite old and not has got old very well idk. I hope the other games left about batman are better.
The beginning of the franchise that would forever change Superhero games even to this day. Rocksteady had come off only 1 game from 2006 (Urban Chaos Riot Response) and was picked up by Warner Bros and were tasked with creating a new Batman game, so it truly is amazing that Arkham Asylum has invented its own way of moving around and beating up the henchmen of some of Batman's most iconic rogues of all time, Joker, Scarecrow, Bane, Harley Quin and even more of Batman's villains appear each supporting their own moments in the spotlight, and don't worry, even if your favourite villain doesn't make a physical appearance, by completing enough Riddler trophies you can unlock character bios and even interview reels for almost every single Batman villain ever. The combat feels nice when pulling off combos to use special moves that can instantly KO and enemy or throw an enemy somewhere else, like other enemies or an environmental hazard to spice up dealing with the grunts. The story feels like it was straight from a BTAS episode and i fully endorse it, with the characterisations of these classic characters showing a lot of range, even Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy reprise their roles as both Batman and Joker, as they are masters as always. The biggest stand out points to me are the 3 Scarecrow sequences throughout the story, avoiding the Scarecrow's gaze whilst in his world, and showing disturbing versions of Batman in cages or the classic dead parents. However one issue I have with this game are the boss fights, Bane, Scarecrow and Poison Ivy have great boss fights with Bane setting you up for the titan class enemies you'll see a lot of later on in the game, however the Zsasz, Harley, Killer Croc and Joker boss fights are extremely underwhelming and easy. Overall this game is a must try and should be played by everyone that enjoys a good action adventure game with a solid story.
«Can’t stop playing»
This game invented modern melee combat.
A really well designed game, except for the bosses
Great Batman Game.
«Can’t stop playing»
«Beaten more than once»
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