Average Playtime: 9 hours

Batman: The Telltale Series

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Batman: The Enemy Within, 2017, is an episodic point-and-click graphic adventure video game, a sequel to 2016's Batman: The Telltale Series.

The player controls the character, who, on the one hand, is the well-known billionaire, entrepreneur and philanthropist Bruce Wayne, and on the other hand, a crime fighter named Batman, hiding his real name from people.

The series

The Enemy Within is set in the same Batman continuity introduced in Batman: The Telltale Series - within Gotham, a city infested with crime and corruption. Both games are set in mid-to-late 2010s with technologies such as drones and smartphones. The places where The Enemy Within takes place are the same as in the previous game - Batcave, Wayne Enterprises and Gotham City Police Headquarters. The Enemy Within follows the events of the previous game, taking place between a couple of months to a year after these events.

Fresh interpretation of Batman in games, film, or comics

The creators of the series claim that the game offers the player to choose how to perceive certain situations - like Batman or Bruce Wayne. They promise a "fresh interpretation of the universe set in current times, not tied to any existing iteration of Batman in games, film, or comics». To preserve this freshness, the creators of the game begin their story about Batman a few years after Bruce Wayne became Batman - they claim that it gives them the opportunity to be flexible in describing the character; As a result, the player, according to the creators of the game, also receives a certain freedom, playing for Batman in the branching narrative, which the game offers.

Player selection influences what happens in the game next.
The game includes situations where it is necessary to act quickly, as well as the investigation sequences.

Crowd play

In the games of the series there is also the so-called "crowd play", it allows the game to be watched by an audience who can participate in the decision-making process.

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for iOS

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for Android

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

Where to buy

Xbox 360 Store
App Store
PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Google Play
Nintendo Store

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Batman: The Telltale Series reviews and comments

Having to choose between Selena Kyle and Vicki Vale is like choosing between two really good desserts
So mid plus you cant have s*x with two face 
Telltale games are usually quality visual novels.  Batman is no different.  The content is great.  Unfortunately, the technical issues really detracted from the game experience.  Depending on the episode, the music would cut out the entire game, or characters would be missing body parts.  Good story, disappointing production.  
Good game in the usual Telltale Games episodic style with interesting story, balanced QuickTime events and simple detective work
despite some stiff controls, bad performance (even tho I played it on the PS4- Pro), game bugs and many wrong or not translated subtitles (yeah I had the german subtitles activated, big mistake, didn't help much but was good for a laugh)

Could use some improvements but all in all a entertaining game

-played November 2019
«Sit back and relax»
Shit game
«Buggy as hell»
«Waste of time»
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