Average Playtime: 1 hour

VR Dungeon Knight

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VR Dungeon Knight's online function currently Contains:

-Private online Co-op with a friend! (Bugs to be expected, currently in early stage of development).
-No open online matchmaking. (May be added in the future, no promises!)
Release date
Blackjard Softworks
Blackjard Softworks
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel core i5
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 390
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.81 Ghz
  • Memory: 16 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
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Last Modified: Apr 5, 2023

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VR Dungeon Knight hero mode perfect short run
Servant of the Necromancer mini boss
VR Dungeon Knight: Sword, Staff, Axe
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VR Dungeon Knight reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Much Potential not yet exhausted finally arrived in virtual Reality! VR Dungeon Knight is the first VR Game I played and the WoW effect was tremendous. After more than 10 Years Of TableTop Fantasy finally being able to swing the Piston itself and block Attacks with the Shield itself, instead of Using words and Dice is the Hammer! The spatial Immersion has been very successful, the Walls, Rooms and Outdoor Areas graphically beautiful but unfortunately somewhat unempty. !!! Attention Spoiler Danger!!! After more than 10 Hours of playing, the WoW effect unfortunately wears off a lot and you can find a lot of Things that are illogical, constantly repeating or just totally impractical. You start in the Dungeons with "Full Health," this Status you never reach again, no matter how many Meat culls or Apples I put in, the best Condition my Char reaches is "Healthy." why!? If you eat Meat or Apples for Regeneration, you are shown Health + 15 for meat and + 5 in Apples when collecting the Message, what is that supposed to Bring? My Health does not appear In percentage or with a Bar, which would make sense, this Figure is completely useless. There is no Overview of his EXP/Experience Points, but these are the decisive Values Health and EXP! Many Reviews speak of Long-term Motivation, how long have you played the Game for an Hour? It is true that the Dungeons always regenerate when you enter, which as an Option after you have managed a Dungeon would also be great, but after each Dying and dying until CharLevel 10 becomes plentiful, again a new Dungeon with the constantly repetitive about 25 Different Rooms & about 10 different Enemy Types to have to start all over again, NERVT formidable. I want to at least have the Option to Finish playing a Dungeon. In other Reviews (also by game test team team Youtubers) it was praised that There is Loot and in the Beginning this is also great but after a short Time you realize, there is always dassellbe: 10 Gold is the Standard Unit. Why not 7 or 19 or at Mini-bosses 206!? At the End of the day, unfortunately, it doesn't matter how much Gold you collect, because you can only buy 2 Things with it. An Armor with which one chooses one of the 3 Classes (Fighter, Rogue or Magician), the first is quite favorable and the Upgrade of this Armor, which is absurdly expensive for the Fighter (5000GM). After that, you don't buy anything with Gold, absolutely GARNIX! There is a huge beautifully designed Armory, but there is nothing to buy here! GARNIX! You can completely ignore Gold after the Armor Upgrade! What is this!? The Loot is always the same: 10 Gold Standard Unit + 15 Health Meat leg + 5 Health Apple Arrows that I can't collect as a Fighter crossbow Book + 250EXP Token key that wars, thats it folks! Hidden in the same boxes, which are always arranged the same in the respective Room. Why can't I find a Dagger, Gemstone, Piece of Cheese, helmet, magic Sword, an Amulet or a Ring, let alone a healing Potion my Char could take with me!? Very annoying is also that there is only one Weapon set, if you opt for Pistons, Sword etc and Shield, you're done with Weapons. To survive the Dungeons with 3-4 Remote Fighters enemy Types, but UNBEDINGT NEEDS a Long-distance Weapon! The AI of the Long-distance fighters they give way to Melee back and simply ball down the Ox With his Meleweapon ... Instead of then switching to Bow, Crossbow etc you are desperately renting the Skeletal Arch shooter afterwards ... Die and can start a Dungeon anew. In a very beautifully designed Room you can "have to be" blurted "in a blue cone/dune ... Hurrah! But there is no Information about what this "Bless" Brings ... GARNIX! One Problem that there are in almost all VR Games with Teleport at LEAST with WMR, is the non-existent ability to determine itself on which button on which Controller the Teleport is activated. How many times I have disarmed myself, changed to the Menu or Items ... Real annoying. At VR Dungeon Knight, the Teleport at WMR is on the Button menu, not on the Touchpad or the Mini-kick, completely absurd to me. I would still buy the Game again at SALE, because the Feeling of finally being armed in a Dungeon is incredible and that Feeling TRANSPORTS VR Dungeon Knight very well! Unfortunately, I cannot recommend this Game to my friends, because they would ask me exactly the Questions I described above. VR Dungeon Knight has great Potential, but that's not enough ... It is already clear to me that it is an EA but anyone who sells it for 20 Euros should cope with Criticism or be further developed.
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