Average Playtime: 5 hours

War for the Overworld

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Tired of invading dungeons? It's time you built your own!

Do you feel you are in a slump? Monotonously disembowelling evil guys in endless quests for gold and a slightly better pair of boots? You are starting to wonder... are heroics really your calling? Welcome to the War for the Overworld!

War for the Overworld is a Dungeon Management Game that employs your favourite aspects of the RTS and God Game genres. You play an all-powerful, malevolent Underlord, long banished to the Aether. With unrivalled dark power and an insatiable desire for bloody conquest, you will arise once more, and reclaim your realm!

In your absence, the Underworld lost its way. It became feeble and afraid of the Empire of the Overworld, which grew strong and boldly comfortable in its quiet retirement from evil-slaying. Carve out your dungeon from the soil and stones of the Underworld, and build dozens of unique rooms to attract a myriad of creatures to your halls to work and fight for you.

In addition to your faithful followers, you have destructive spells and powerful rituals to cast upon any unsuspecting goodly Hero (or rival Underlord) who dares to breach your unhallowed halls. With your unmatched dark powers and mighty army of bloodthirsty minions, you are ready for your War for the Overworld!Key Features
  • Build Your Dungeon - Excavate and build your dungeon beneath the earth of the Overworld. Design its layout as you see fit, creating an underground fortress filled with a wide variety of rooms, each with a unique use and purpose.

  • Evil Is Back - Play as an Underlord who has awakened from a deep slumber after countless years drifting in the Aether. This realm hosts a variety of enemies — both Heroes and Underlords will stand in your path as you fight for dominance of the Overworld.

  • Veins of Evil - Choose from over 60 rooms, spells, potions, rituals, defences and constructs in the Veins of Evil as you progress through the game. There are a plethora of possible Vein combinations you can use to conquer the Overworld. Create your own unique flavour of evil!

  • Fortify Your Domain - Build a wide variety of defences within your walls to defend against — and destroy — those who seek to invade your domain.

  • Cast Wicked Spells - Call down unholy magic to strengthen your dungeon, rout enemy forces, flood corridors with Micropiglets, or simply turn a meddlesome Hero into a geyser of giblets.

  • Unleash Devastating Rituals - Punish your foes or empower your own forces with game-changing Rituals that can do anything from raising an undead army, to instantly fortifying your entire dungeon.

  • Command Powerful Minions - Over 20 minions await your call, and will gladly work and fight under your banner... if you provide them with all the creature comforts they demand.

  • Conquer the Overworld - Play through a feature-length campaign, facing off against the Emperor of the Overworld as you fight for complete supremacy in the Realm of Kairos.

  • Destroy Your Rivals - Take the fight to your rival Underlords in Skirmish or Multiplayer matches with up to four players.

  • Challenge Ruthless AI - Team up with a friend or fly solo and challenge devastatingly sophisticated AI Opponents in Skirmish or Multiplayer!

  • Shape the Underworld - Create entirely new levels in the Map Editor and share them with other Underlords via the Steam Workshop!

  • Test Your Mettle - Run the gauntlet of the Crucible mode and see if you can top the high score against waves of enemies!

  • Gameplay Mutators - Tweak every possible setting to create and save custom game types.

  • Community Translation Support - So you can bring War for the Overworld to other Underlords across the Underworld.

  • Richard Ridings - The entire game is supported by narration, tutorials and status updates from the original and best dungeon mentor, Richard Ridings!

  • Massively Improved - Tons of improvements, rebalancing, bug fixes and polish since the original launch!

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 , Windows 8 , Windows 10
  • Processor: Dual Core CPU @ 2.5GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GT450 series with 512MB RAM or better, ATI 4870HD with 512MB RAM or better
  • G3D Mark: 1500
  • Hard Drive: 7 GB available space (may increase in the future)
  • Sound: Speakers or headphones

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  • OS: Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Quad Core CPU @ 2.5GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 560 series with 1GB RAM or better, ATI 5870HD with 1GB RAM or better
  • G3D Mark: 3000
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB available space (may increase in the future)
  • Sound: Speakers or headphones

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System requirements for Linux

  • OS: OS X 10.6 and higher (64-bit)
  • Processor: Dual Core CPU @ 2.0GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GT450 series with 512MB RAM or better, ATI 4870HD with 512MB RAM or better
  • G3D Mark: 1500
  • Hard Drive: 7 GB available space (may increase in the future)
  • Sound: Speakers or headphones

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  • OS: Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Quad Core CPU @ 2.5GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 560 series with 1GB RAM or better, ATI 5870HD with 1GB RAM or better
  • G3D Mark: 3000
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB available space (may increase in the future)
  • Sound: Speakers or headphones

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System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X 10.6 and higher (64-bit)
  • Processor: Dual Core CPU @ 2.0GHz
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GT450 series with 512MB RAM or better, ATI 4870HD with 512MB RAM or better
  • G3D Mark: 1500
  • Hard Drive: 7 GB available space (may increase in the future)
  • Sound: Speakers or headphones

Full Knowledgebase Article
  • OS: Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Quad Core CPU @ 2.5GHz
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 560 series with 1GB RAM or better, ATI 5870HD with 1GB RAM or better
  • G3D Mark: 3000
  • Hard Drive: 10 GB available space (may increase in the future)
  • Sound: Speakers or headphones

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Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 14, 2025

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► WTF Is... - War for the Overworld ?
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War for the Overworld - Launch Trailer
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DECOUVERTE : War for the Overworld - Digne héritier de Dungeon Keeper
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Bob Lennon
War for the Overworld - Tutorial and Beyond!
Apr 2, 2015
War for the Overworld [PC] - recenzja
Apr 3, 2015
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War for the Overworld reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I bought the Game on Kickstarter at The time because I'm a Fan of the classic Dungeon Keeper franchise (and by Richard Ridings!). War for the Overworld is a successful Remake of Dungeon Keeper, it has its Charm but the Developers have brought in many new and ingenious Ideas. All in all, a very round Game. I can recommend the Game to anyone, whether you've played the old Dungeon Keeper Series or not! (If not: Catch Up!)
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
I got the Game very early in Beta and was able to experience some Development. Meanwhile, it's a full-fledged Game, with Campaign and some Game Models. With me, the Game was (until now) flawless without any errors. It feels like the first Dungeon Keeper and is just as much Fun. The Control runs flawlessly over The mouse and Keyboard (I can't understand the Previous Speaker here). I will definitely continue to play the Game and tell You (Video Evidence follows). For me, the Game is a very clear Thumbs up. Best Regards Mr-ripped
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Since there is only one Up or Down-Vote, I still opt for the Upvote. I have already bought the Game in an Early Alpha State, where it was even cheaper than it is now. :) The Game is simply a Dungeon Keeper Remake with better Graphics. So whoever has always waited to play his old Classic again has found it in this Game. The Control itself unfortunately also resembles that of the past-not thought through. Hotkey Occupancies do not yet exist, which I personally miss very much! All The buildings and Commands you could pack wonderfully on hotkeys in the Style of Star/Warcraft Q-B and 1-X Through the sometimes very small Symbols and the changing Mouse Cursor symbol (Dead Hand-Finger-Pickaxe) it is often not quite easy to catch one of the Symbols " ". The Game itself ... I still have a few More Makings and would therefore call it more Beta and not a Release suitable Game, so I can only say at the release price at the time-no thanks. Alpha Price was €10 or €15 (it's been a bit) and that's worth it to me in any Case. It's a fun Game for In Between and all the "upcoming Updates" make the Game sure to be worth playing. However, until it is so far going to pass safely another 1-2 Years. But You can already learn the Mechanics and settle into the Game. Personal Conclusion: I like the Game and it was a good Investment to get right into the Alpha-I see over again and again what changes the whole game makes and there was really a Lot of new Stuff when I think back to the Alpha Status 2 Years ago. So I'm well tuned to have some great Features coming here:)
This game is awesome. If you tired of false promises developers like to make about the respect for the past and upgrading everything good and fixing the mistakes, this game won’t disappoint you. It’s REALLY feels like Dungeon Keeper 2 but a little better. They left the spirit and the atmosphere of the original game right where it should be, and a great and satisfying title appeared. 
«Can’t stop playing»
Oh, I have so many complaints! Here we are:
*the first levels are too easy, and then suddenly they become too difficult
*the spawn system is imbalanced: your units appear for hours, while enemies spawn immediately (and they are dozens at once)
* you control units with dull flag system tha game doesn’t explain at all
* the main problem is that the devs decided there’s no need to teach the player how to play their game - as a result I felt confused and frustrated.
Does a good job of recreating what Dungeon Keeper 2 left behind.
«Liked before it became a hit»
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