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Warrior Kings: Battles

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Warrior Kings: Battles comes complete with a full skirmish mode, boasting a proficiency of computer AI not yet seen in an RTS product. AI Generals build a functioning economy, offensive/defensive armies, correctly control formations, and intelligently probe your defenses, looking for your weak points. AI Diplomacy, a major new feature, makes you think you are playing a human opponent(s), giving a new depth to gaming.


Unparalleled real-time strategy gaming, using radical 3D technology to bring terrain, provinces and cultures alive like no other games in the genre

Use real military tactics with a supreme range of combat tools - select from cavalry, rocket launchers, catapults, spies, war elephants, arch druids, elementals, golems, summoned beings and many more! Strategically use terrain, arms and formations to beat all others

Advanced A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) computer opponents probe your defences and find weaknesses unlike any other strategy game. AI Generals even seek to win alliances and will bargain with you to gain the upper hand!
Release date
Black Cactus
Black Cactus Games
Strategy First
Age rating
13+ Teen

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 98/2000/Me/Xp
  • Processor: 733 MHz
  • Memory: 128 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 16 MB 3D card
  • DirectX: Version 8.1
  • Storage: 800 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: *Not supported for Windows 8*
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Last Modified: Apr 29, 2023

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Warrior King Battles - Taking over Angland #1
Highlight: Warrior Kings: Battles final attack Burgosia
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Warrior Kings: Battles reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Pros: A Build-up Technically inspiring game, which also requires Tricky Situations to solve. Disadvantage: Unfortunately only English Version.
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Microsoft from French
The first best RTS in the world. Released in 2003, it was is is for me an exellent game, played with your friends, but solo his life expectancy is reduced once the campaign mode is over. 20/20 for this time strategy game.
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Microsoft from French
The game is reduced to 1/4 from your screen at the bottom left. The idea is good. Good additions (ex: peasants who will make farms on their own). The gameplay is fine, it works. The camera is null (if you zoom it puts the horizontal view and when you zoom out it is a top view). It lacks small + like going on the inactive or selected unit. Additional negative point, the AI is overpowered. You can have an army to defend your farms but the AI will do mass cavalry and disperse them (as if there were 1 human behind each rider) passing right next to your troops to kill your peasants with surgical precision. It's tiring.
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Microsoft from French
Warrior King is for me a strategy game apart, it begins to date it is on but it already integrates the system of choice, of alternatve end, of construction of city rather developed (one chooses where to put the ramparts, barracks, villages, etc...). All along the game several good surprises is added, the heros changes of appearance and stats according to the choices made, as well as the buildings that are unlocked as and as you move. These choices distinguish it in 5 ways, for each possible end/unfolding:-ungodlike-Imperial-revolutionary as well as impy/revolutionary Imperial/revolutionary. So if you decide to help a witch, say goodbye to the healing monks. Moreover, if you take your time and explore the entire map, several small quetes are added, allowing for a significant bonus and extra play time for a game that has a good lifespan. But voila, Warrior Kings battles is nothing more than a horribly lighed copy! Farewell hero, mission objective, choice of impact, secondary quests, interactive element on the map.... and say hello to a inheritance proceedings of skirmish! 3 basics, a map and that's it! goal in all missions: destroy! In short we turn fast in loop.. especially that almost all maps were taken over, the deleted cited as well as the NPC. It certainly has 2-3 units in +.... but we are far from the original! conclusion: turn to Warrior King first of the name, it is definitely worth the detour! battles is really not worth the shot, even on promo, as much throw skirmishes with 2 enemies and we have Warrior King battles gratis! It adds absolutely nothing except the 2-3 unitated and all the charm is removed!
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