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Kohan II: Kings of War

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Awarded “Top 10 Game of 2004” by Computer Games Magazine, Kohan II: Kings of War returns players to the dangerous beauty of Khaldun, where the brief respite in the timeless war between Light and Shadow has come to its end. Even as the world erupts in civil war, an ancient evil gives out a call, and the Shadow-touched begin to gather.

Set years after Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, Kohan II: Kings of War raises the Kohan series to new heights, introducing gorgeous 3D rendered terrain, weather effects, diverse armies, and more, while still retaining the award-winning gameplay of the original games.

Key features:
  • Battle online with up to 8 rival generals in a variety of multiplayer scenarios.
  • Random map generator and map editors to customize your own maps.
  • Single-player campaign mission.
  • 25 campaign missions.
  • Six distinct warring races and five rival political factions.
  • Streamline Unit Management: Kohan’s revolutionary unit command system keeps your focus on combat and conquest.
  • Handpick your Heroes and Warriors and build up their skills and spells.
  • Discover new technologies that will provide you with hidden powers and units.
  • Awaken over 70 different Kohan heroes and keep them alive to unlock their devastating spells.
  • Platforms
    Release date
    TimeGate Studios
    Global Star Software, TimeGate Studios
    Age rating
    13+ Teen

    System requirements for PC

    • OS: Windows 98, SE, Me, 2000,XP, Vista, 7
    • Processor: Pentium IV 1.5 GHz or AMD Athlon equivalent
    • Memory: 256 MB RAM
    • Hard Disk Space: 700 MB
    • Video Card: 64 MB NVIDIA GeForce 3 / ATI Radeon 8500 or equivalent Video Card with 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible drivers
    • DirectX®: DirectX 9.0b
    • Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible sound card with speakers or headphones
    Edit the game info
    Last Modified: Oct 1, 2024

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    Feb 17, 2011
    KOHAN II - Kings of War
    Mar 16, 2009
    Top Real Time Strategy Games PART 3
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    Kohan 2: Kings of War - 300 Trailer
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    Michael Nguyen
    Kohan 2 Kings of War MP Commentary Episode 2
    Feb 18, 2011
    Kohan II: Kings of War PC Games Trailer - Trailer
    Jun 23, 2011
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    Kohan II: Kings of War reviews and comments

    Translated by
    Microsoft from Russian
    There Was such a game-Kohan: Immortal Sovereign. It was born in a difficult moment, when the boom of real time strategies just started to move into the stage called "Quantity generates quality". In The yard stood the year 2001, and only lazy not pose on the knees of another "masterpiece" with a thick list of unseen monsters-units and original gameplay. Originality, as a rule, was expressed only in one thing-to do something that does not seem to be already existing, and push it "something" to the market under the guise of revolution and new standard. And There it is,-like "The Feast of the Dreams." As A rule, all these attempts to do "not as in Varkrafte" were crowned with a complete failure, the list of games-freaks of that time is simply terrifying. And here among this taut jet of game masses, among the miscarriages of the genre and abortion programming-pearl glitter flashed the game Kohan. And Those who did not disdain to lend a hand to her, did it not in vain,-it should be said that the toy possessed a peculiar charm and differed from the stillbirths fellows by good quality. But The main thing, it really was not like Varkraft, and so far the ideas offered in it did not find themselves in any other RTS. Perhaps, for this reason,-now, many years later-it was decided to make the game a solid lead-up, and once again please the strategists with a good product. To make a Reservation at once,-those who played in the first part, love it and remember, can boldly flick through the article to the final paragraph. Compared to the source, the mechanics of the game has undergone very modest changes-fortunately, the developers have not turned anything upside down and left all the crown chips on the ground. Those who have no clue what this Kohan is, please, listen further. The Story is quite traditional for the genre-a medieval magical world in which there are good guys, and there are bad. The Bad ones do lawlessness,-they're sneaking in the collective farm fields and snigly giggling of impunity. Good Heroes, they are the right guys,-help ordinary people to establish on their land peace, tranquility and democracy. Bullies are chased and brutally punished. All of this, of course, is very cleverly wrapped in beautiful titles, noble names and titles, but in general-just as I explained. Therefore It is better not to spend time on the pretentious retelling of the intricate plot, and we will proceed immediately to the case,-to the peculiarities of the game, which brought her in due time success. So, before us the standard RTS,-on the allotted map we build the city, create an army, personally lead our flying squad of retribution and with a light hand send it on the rogue hordes. Mesim Supostat in bloody stuffing, umuvayem hands with tears of the local bully, listen to the next round of the story and repeat the procedure again, on the next map. The question Itself arises-and what is so original here? This is the time to tell about such things as the system of construction of the city and the peculiarities of the formation of combat units. Cities can be built only in specially designated places,-villages are either intercepted from the hands of the enemy, or on the Ashes (it happens that our rulers of democracy are overbarted) called a brigade of engineers who reanimate the residential Arrays. The Area of the city is walled and strictly predetermined-all buildings are installed inside the fence. At the same time, the town itself on the map looks very compact, roughly like three of your military squad. The Economy is quite simple-there is a traditional gold, and there are several different materials that are mined in the respective mines, which are either located outside the city walls, or erected inside the player. Resources are spent solely on building regular buildings and supporting your troops Features of the game:-Unite under your own six warring races and five rival political factions. -Revolutionary combat units control system will allow you to focus on battles and conquests. -The Choice of skills and spells that will master your heroes depends only on you. Find the best features to help them fight the Shadow army. -32 story missions abound with epic battles, and the complex A.I. system will be a serious test of your military talents.
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